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Saturday, October 18, 2014

I love Christmas

I love Christmas

Growing up with a Jewish dad and a Muslim mom, but feeling even then the pull in my heart towards Jesus Christ, I read the Tanakh and then the New Testament and found out the Christians did understand Moses and God's revelation. I then understood my dad's rejection of the Talmud for the work of Belial that it is. I also understood my mom's fondness for December 25 and the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr as the Muslim Christmas. All people are pulled in their heart to Jesus the Son of God and the Son of Mary.

I grew up with my mom going to services in her mosque.

I now profess Jesus Christ as my Messiah and Saviour and Lord of my life in every way and await His return from heaven in the same physical body He ascended in. I am also married to a Christian.

I truly pity the Jews taken in by the ugliest hateful rabbinic inventions of blasphemy against God and His Christ, such as nittel night, which like the Talmud, is not worth quoting at all.

For my dad's people who want to know about Jesus Christ, the most loving God in the Flesh, see this:

Jews called in Christ

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