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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: The Jesuits did the New York - Tel Aviv - Moscow, Judeo-Masonic Communist, takeover of Russia in 1905 - 1917

The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: The Jesuits did the New York - Tel Aviv - Moscow, Judeo-Masonic Communist, takeover of Russia in 1905 - 1917

Palestine Cry: The Jesuits did the New York - Tel Aviv - Moscow, Judeo-Masonic Communist, takeover of Russia in 1905 - 1917

The Justice of God: Church Fathers against the modern Vaticanista Pope heresy

Palestine Cry: The infiltration of Rome with Antichristian Judaizers very partial reference

The Jesuits did the New York - Tel Aviv - Moscow, Judeo-Masonic Communist, takeover of Russia in 1905 - 1917  

The Jews were as involved as can be, but as puppets - same as they are now in Occupied Palestine, same as Stalin and Hitler were puppets of the Jesuits.

Note that Zionism in its developed form is nothing but Jesuitical Nazism, so that the truth of the matter concerning Palestine is that it is oppressed by ZioNazis.


God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Waters Flowing Eastward - PART ONE ZIONISM

Of the spirit which taught that all non-Jews were animals 25 to be stripped of their property for the benefit of Jewry, and which united the community in a common aim and a common hatred; of the Shulchan Aruk which transmitted this aim and this hatred from generation to generation, Jewish leaders of the last fifty years have written :26

" The Shulchan Aruk is not the book that we have chosen for our guide, but the book that has been made our guide, whether we would or not, by force of historical development: because this book, just as it is in its present form, with all its most uncouth sections, was the book that best suited the spirit of our people, their condition and their needs, in those generations in which they accepted it as binding on themselves and their descendants. If we proclaim that this is not our law, we shall be proclaiming a falsehood; this is our law, couched in the only form which was possible in the middle ages, just as the Talmud is our law in the form which it took in the last days of the ancient world, just as the Bible is our law in the form which it took while the Jews still lived as a nation on their own land. The three books are but three milestones on the road of a single development, that of the spirit of the Jewish nation."

A Jewish community, in the midst of a gentile population on which it preyed, depended for its success on two things: the absolute subordination of its members and the secrecy of its proceedings. The Kahal concealed its activities from the outside world under the guise of religion. " The Jews were loyal subjects like their neighbours, but to them faith was life, and they were constantly preoccupied with the observance of their ritual ", it told the world. But this was not a sufficient screen. As in all secret organizations there are traitors and renegades whatever the penalty. The Kahal was obliged to shroud itself in mystery and mysticism,27 even from its members. The multiplicity of the ritual laws, the voluminous civil code, the secret instructions of the fraternities, the continuance of obsolete forms, all served to create such a confusion that no non-Jew confronted with the documents could distinguish what was fundamental from what was prolix ritual or irrelevant.28 The general scheme of the Kahal, which has been in operation since the second century A. D., remains in force to this day. Its essential characteristics may be outlined as follows:

a) The council of elders or geronsia,"(r) presided over by ц═ patriarch or exilarch. Its functions were purely formal; it represented the Jews in official relations with foreign governments, acted as their spokesman when they wished to arouse public sentiment in their favour, but had no direct
responsibility in the secret government whose existence it served to conceal. Composed of leading members of the fraternities, it could discuss at secret meetings questions of general interest, leaving their practical solution to the

b) The tribunal or beth-din.30

c) The fraternities.

The beth-din decided all lawsuits and differences arising between individual Jews, and between members and the Kahal itself. It existed in all localities where there were Jews, catered to their commercial needs, and had final jurisdiction in both civil and religious matters. It alone was competent to interpret the spiritual laws of the Talmud. To illustrate the character of this court, the following paragraphs from the Talmudic code31 may be given:

" No Jew may appeal for justice to any court or judiciary other than the Jewish tribunal. This holds even when the laws of the country bearing on the question at issue agree with the Jewish laws, and when the two parties are willing to submit their differences to the former. Whoever breaks this injunction shall be outlawed;32 his offence is equivalent to contempt and violation of the law of Moses.

" The beth-din judges cases involving loans, debts, marriages, legacies, gifts, damages, interest, etc.
" Although the beth-din has no right to fine a thief or looter, it may inflict the indoui on him until he makes full restitution. It may inflict fines for the infraction of rules as prescribed in the Talmud.

" When the beth-din notices that the nation is given to disorders,33 it may, without confirmation by the Jewish authorities, impose fines, death-sentences, and other penalties; and in this connection it may waive the production of testimony to prove the guilt of the accused. Where the latter is a person of influence in the country, the beth-din may use the legal machinery of the country to punish him. His property may be declared outside the protection of the law (guefker), and he himself may be done away with as circumstances require."

It would be erroneous to suppose that all suits between Jews are tried by the beth-din. In many circumstances, and especially in thorny cases where the Jewish law is contrary to common sense, because the form and the terms do not agree with justice and conscience, the case is tried not by the judges of the beth-din, called dayans, but by a special court composed of persons chosen for their knowledge of business practice or other special reasons.

The explanation of the mass of lawsuits between Jews before non-Jewish courts is as follows. For the most part, these have to do with drafts presented for payment and drawn on Jews who have incurred penalties at the hands of the beth-din. The laws of the country are thus used to execute the decisions of the Jewish tribunal. The beth-din makes a practice of binding the two parties in a suit submitted for its decision, by having them sign blanks before the trial. If, afterward, the party who has lost the case refuses to abide by the decision, the blank bearing his signature is converted into a draft and put into circulation.

Turning to the fraternities which are the sinews of the organization, one finds their outward form strictly innocuous. The rules are nearly all on the same model, and fix the annual dues, the place and date for the regular meetings, the duties and obligations of members, and the penalties if disregarded; the latter range from small fines to expulsion from the fraternity. A member expelled from a fraternity found himself cut off from the community and generally died an outcast. Each fraternity has a religious or charitable purpose, connected with such worthy objects as the following:

a) Reading from the sacred texts,34

b) Burial of the dead,

c) Ransoming of prisoners,

d) Free loans, help for poor girls, aid for the sick, clothing for the poor, etc.

It should be noted that these objects were not entirely disinterested: the fraternity charged with reading the texts, distorted them; those who buried the dead received fees, not only for that care, but also for plots in the Jewish cemetery, for the purification bath prescribed for Jewish women, for seats in the synagogue.35 The fraternity for ransoming prisoners was composed of the most influential members of the community; as its chief concern was the freeing of delinquent Jews from gentile courts, it had to bring pressure to bear on police and government officials.36

An excellent illustration of a Jewish community in the twentieth century is found in the account of the organizing of the KehillaW in New York City in 1909 and of its subsequent operation, - published in the Jewish Communal Register.38

The purpose of the Kehillah is to " weld Jewish interests and develop community conscientiousness "; the immediate cause of its creation was " the statement of the police commissioner, General Bingham, that the Jews contributed fifty per cent, of the criminals of New York City."39

The first step taken by the constitutive convention was the election of an executive committee and an advisory council of seventy members; the latter is the council of elders or gerousia, and its duty is to " make its voice heard and its opinions felt (sic) in all questions affecting the Jews the world over."

The next thing of importance is the creation of a beth-din or court of arbitration, by the board of authoritative rabbis (vaad harabbonim) already charged with the regulations of marriage, divorce, circumcision, and ritual bath.40 The beth-din will undertake to settle all disputes between labour and capital.41

Further on, the purpose of the Kehillah is made clearer: it is for the " coordination of the existing communal agencies42 to save the synagogue from impending ruin," to which end all the material and moral resources of the entire community are to be drafted.43 In other words, the hierarchy of fraternities for which Judaism serves as a cloak and the synagogues as a lodge-room, is endeavoring to strengthen its hold on its members, among whom there is a tendency towards emancipation.

Finally, mention is made of some of the fraternities, under the title of benevolent societies: the burial clubs and the visitors of the sick. It is particularly interesting to note that these orders assess their beneficiaries: that is, they operate as life insurance companies.44

So well is the question of ritual meat (kosher) regulated by the Kehillah, that " all the meat slaughtered in New York city and vicinity, whether for Jewish consumption or not, is slaughtered by schochetim under the supervision of

authoritative rabbis.'45 Of New York's sixty per cent gentile population, none can buy meat not prepared according to Jewish ritual. But this paternal interest of the Kehillah for its members and for the whole gentile population is not entirely unmotivated; for the Register goes on to explain that meat so killed brings " prices far in excess of those paid for ordinary meat." It pays the slaughter-houses to employ schochetim and contribute to the welfare of the authoritative rabbis.

Thus the Jewish fraternities through the ages have kept their typical character of a secret government, disguised under the form of synagogues and schools.

The life of the people, too, has changed little from generation to generation, and from one country to another: they are always and everywhere the tools of the ruling clique; to it they pay heavy, indirect taxes, and in return receive help in exploiting the land which harbours them. They have a heavy heritage, a Jewish conscientiousness, a hatred of non-Jews, a love of deceiving; all this they
cannot easily shake off, and with it the yoke of the Kahal.

. . .


The Jews, disseminated in all lands and claiming the same rights as other nationals, jealously guarded the secret of their hierarchy. Prior to the eighteenth century various nations had from time to time granted equality of rights to the Jews within their borders,1 but in every case had retracted them.

About 1770, Moses Mendelssohn2 and others began preaching emancipation for all Jews everywhere, as the ultimate goal of the race. This suited the Kahal: if its members enjoyed the privileges of other nationals, they would eventually occupy important posts in gentile governments and thus extend its own power and influence. The aim was to a large extent realized a few years later. With the French revolution in 1789, the status of the Jews in that country was completely changed.3 Not only did they obtain the franchise, but, profiting by the sale of confiscated property, they soon acquired great wealth. Napoleon remarked in 1806: " By what miracle did whole provinces of France become heavily mortgaged to the Jews, when there are only sixty thousand of them in the country? ".4

Jews in Austria and Germany as in France and England, obtained about the same time political freedom and soon rose to high social and administrative rank in the land of their adoption: the names of Rothschild,5 Cremieux,6 and Disraeli,7 at once suggest themselves.

But, freed from the restricting influence of the ghetto, the Jews tended to become assimilated not only in appearance, but in reality. The yoke of the Kahal seemed more irksome to those who had acquired wealth which they wished to enjoy undisturbed. As it could add nothing to their success in life, they longed to be rid of its ritual, indirect taxes, demands of personal services, and its threats.

Jewish leaders, observing this tendency, felt the need of new links between communities, the more so, as the new facilities of communication of the nineteenth century- telegraph, railways, steamships-rendered intercourse between distant bodies much easier. A group of so-called " universal brotherhoods " was accordingly organized in only five years, 1864-1869; they were:

a) Brotherhood for the awakening of the slumbering

Jews,8 at St. Petersburg;

b) Alliance Israelite Universelle9 at Paris;

c) Jewish Emigration Society,10 at London;

d) Brotherhood for the enlightenment of the Jews,11 at St. Petersburg;

e) Brotherhood for the repopulation of Palestine.12 The first of these societies was founded in 1864: in 1866, it already numbered twelve hundred members among the wealthiest and most influential Jews, at whose head stood:
England England

Sir Moses Montefiore D. L. Loewe France Russia Prussia Prussia

Rabbi Albert Cohn M. Strahun M. S. Magnus L. Silberman

In 1864 was also founded the Brotherhood for the enlightenment of the Jews (fourth in the above list) with its centre at St. Petersburg; within a year it numbered 227 wealthy Jews, including Dr. Bernstein, the bankers Ginzberg, Dr. Kalisher, Dr. Schwabacher,13 and men prominent in science. It is therefore not surprising that their efforts should have met with sympathy among Christians.

On closer examination, the enlightenment these societies sought appears not to be of the kind to raise the people above the racial prejudices fostered in the ghetto. On the contrary, the literature which the society for the awakening of the slumbering Jews published, with the exception of a book of travels, was strictly a course of studies in Talmudic laws,14 and calculated to revive the sentiment of a common aim and common hatred found in the Shulchan Aruk.

The book of travels, Even Saphir, is more stimulating: it points out in subtle language the power of the Kahal and Jewish solidarity. A passage may be quoted as illustration:15
" Here in Cairo, Jewish business is exchange, banking, and usury... The Jews derive great benefit from these three operations, thanks to the different foreign currencies and the fact that there are two rates of exchange, one fixed by the government, the other by merchants.

" These two rates constantly vary, rising and falling, and people who do not deal in money matters are easily misled. These operations are for the most part in the hands of the Jews, wise and clever people who, among capitalists, rank as high as the wealthiest in Europe. They occupy important positions in the pasha's palaces and government offices. In fact the Jews at the present moment enjoy full freedom in every way: their word counts for much, and in trials and lawsuits with non-Jews their side always wins."


As translated from Russian from this original text:

Note: As a result of translation some names and places may be misspelled.

Secret Zionist Leader Ahad Ha'am

The authenticity of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Preface of translator [1].

Since the "Ray of Light" [2], the Nilus' book on the Protocols of the Elders was re-printed a year and a half ago, and the Jews, and "Judaizers" to this day can not calm down, foaming at the mouth trying to prove the authenticity of deadly damaging document for the "chosen tribe "document.

In the columns of the Jewish press all the tricks of the trade of Judean struggle with the truth are used to prove that the "Protocols" were fabricated by the Russian gendarmes as a provocation.

Agitated Zhids would not even stop at trying to attribute some super-human and super-normal abilities of gendarmes to foresee and predict the events many years later since the first release of the Nilus' book.

As usual with the Jews, honest, bright, and impeccable reputation of Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus was subjected to defamation, ridicule and profanation.

Who wouldn't they use in order to defend themselves from the evidence brought forth against them by this terrible book!

Out of nowhere came some Frenchman, Du Shyla, who, by his own admission did not speak Russian, at the beginning of the nine hundredths, but describes himself as the Cossack from Don [river in Russia and a surrounding region].

Flew out of a time, long forgotten, scandalous high society chronicle declassed con woman, Princess Radziwill. In America they began to talk of some utterly unknown "famous Russian scientist," Baron Korf.

But no luck: defenders were unsuccessful in their attempts to refute the authenticity of the "Protocols" with genuine credibility, even the "Jewish Tribune, specifically tackling this task, fiercely defending themselves against the crushing blows to Zhid's lies and insinuations, appearing in the French anti-Semitic journal "La Vieille France" ("Old France").

"Jewish Tribune" bravely decided to argue with many thoughts expressed in "Old France" and tries to refute many of the articles appearing in this magazine.

But one specific article/document they do not even attempt to refute. They prefer to be silent about it. And it is my duty to inform my readers about that specific article in the Russian translation, written by F. Winberg [3] "La Vieille France", No. 218 on March 31 - April 6, 1921

From the Editor. As we promised in the latest edition of our publication, we now print a new and probably the final version of the origin of the "Protocols", delivered to us by an American expert on this issue.

That Jewish leader, pointed to by our author, is the largest, most sinister force, and yet nothing is known of him neither to our unfortunate people, nor their pathetic rulers. Our despicable press has never even uttered a word about him.

Out of the shadows, where he was deliberately hiding, the name of that leader was brought to light by "Old France", in the 205th issue of our magazine.

About the authenticity of the "Protocols". Ahad Ha'am, and Zionism. Ever since the appearance of the famous book, known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", that quickly spread to all the countries, not only hints have been made, but the most categorical statements, as if the creator of the Satan's plan, described in this book, was Theodor Herzl.

For several years he was at the head of the Zionist movement and was called the founder of Zionism.

The emergence of the "Protocols" has caused great commotion among the leaders of the Jews, calling them false and fraudulent document.

Especially loud screaming was coming from Lucien Wolf and Rabbi Stephen Uayz[4].

Even then, for some it seemed strange that among all the general squealing there wasn't a single vote risen in defense of Herzl against the cocked up charges that he was the one who drafted the "Protocols."

Especially surprising was to see such close friends of Herzl as Max Nordau, and as Professor Richard Gotheyl were silent.

From the text below, the reader will have a chance to see that although the "Protocols" are indeed of Jewish origin, they can not be possibly attributed to the authorship of Herzl.

Of the subsequent reader will see that although the "Protocols" and indeed of Jewish origin, but can not be attributed to the authorship of Herzl.


I. Authenticity

It should be clear to anyone who has carefully examined the contents of the "Protocols", that what he has before his eyes is a specific program of action, carefully and systematically worked out in the most minute detail.

In addition, the study of the "Protocols" leads us to the following conclusions:

1. The book "Protocols" is a translation from Hebrew. This view is supported by experts who studied the book.

Even more compelling evidence is the testimony of people who lived in Odessa [Ukraine] in 1890 and had seen this document, written in Hebrew, in the hands of the Jewish residents of Odessa, and even held it in their hands.

2. The "Protocols" must be the product of a man fanatically obsessed with the idea of Jewish nationalism, or more precisely, of Judaism in his nationalistic sense.

3. The author shows his exceptional talent and an outstanding mind: his work should be named as diabolically brilliant.

4. Hatred against the "Gentiles", ie against all non-Jews, in the form as it appears in the "Protocols", indicates that its author was a follower of the nationalist school, which, with the idea of Judaism, preached hatred and contempt toward non-Jews and developed a theory about the superiority of Jewish people and their predetermined dominion over the world, since the days of Moses.

If these five characteristics were applied to the personality of Herzl, then one would immediately recognize the falsity of the assumption that he could be the author of "The Protocols".

  1. Herzl knew no Hebrew, and therefore he could not write "The Protocols" in the original form. [The original version was written in Hebrew]
    The fact that the document, that ended up in the hands of Nilus, was written in French, the same language it was read in by several members of [Jewish] Congress in 1897, is very simply explained by the fact that some Zionist leaders, among whom was Herzl and Max Nordau, did not know Hebrew.
  2. Herzl was never a follower of Jewish nationalism, which, for centuries, was being preached by the rabbis and sages of Israel, such as, Shammai, [5], Akiva [6], S. Ben-Johan [7], Abravanel [8], Maimonides [9][10]Mendelssohn, Moses Hess (Hess) [11].
  3. Despite his brilliant mental abilities, Herzl, nevertheless, has never achieved the state of a genius.
  4. In most of his life he was a Western, "assimilated" Jew, and have never professed the ruthless hatred toward non-Jews.
  5. Herzl was declared as a head of the Zionist movement not earlier than the Congress in 1897[12], and yet, all the indications show that the author of "The Protocols" presented himself as a recognized leader even then, when he wrote his work [the original version of which appeared before the Congress of 1897].
No matter how would this person try to diligently preach and put into practice the beginning of impersonality in his life, for whatever modesty (or carefulness) or trying to hide, even today, in the shadow of Herzl, it is necessary to bring him to the center stage and show him in the full light.

In the private life of this man his name is Asher Ginsberg, and among his people, the "chosen people", he is known as Ahad Ha'am, which in Hebrew means "The one among the Nation" (See "Vieille France", No. 205).

However, it would be a great mistake to draw a conclusion from all of the above, as though Asher Ginsberg is the sole creator of the ideas expressed in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

He does not deserve such a credit. Here is what one of his followers says about it:

"Ahad Ha'am, is the heir of all time, of all the preceding centuries. He carefully studied the long chain of Jewish philosophy, he took numerous teachings of Judaism, developed by his predecessors, and from all the different solutions of this subject, given by them, he chose everything that looked to him worth saving and out of it all, constructed the foundation of his own teaching."

From these various sources, he drew his own base, so to speak, and synthesized and expressed in the form of his "Protocols."

In what follows, we shall get acquainted with the personality of Ahad Ha'am, and then study the evolution of the doctrine (or intellectual movement known among the Jews under the name "Ahad Ha'amism"), and finally draw a general conclusion of the achieved results of our study.

II. Asher Ginsberg

Asher Ginsberg was born in Skvyra, the province of Kiev [Russian Empire], on August 5, 1856.

His parents belonged to a Jewish sect of Hasidim, and raised him under the rules and rites of this sect.

From the Jewish Encyclopedia and other sources we learn that Ginsberg studied Talmud at the local Cheder (Jewish school). At the age of eight, secretly from his parents, he learned to read in Russian and German along with several of his peers.

In 1868 the Ginsberg family moved to Gopisgitsa, where his father won a seat of tax agent. The entire family has lived in this village until 1886.

Asher Ginsberg continued to study, and, besides the Talmud, he also studied the most important branches of general knowledge, as well as literature.

He became so strong and competent in the specialized knowledge of rabbinical "scholarship" that the neighborhood rabbis came to him for advice.

Ginsberg marries a granddaughter of Menachem Mendel Schneerson

When he was seventeen years old he married a granddaughter of Menachem Mendel, the famous rabbi of Lubavitch. [AKA Menachem Mendel Schneerson known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, or Moshiah (Jewish Messiah)]

In 1878 he traveled to Odessa, where everything he had seen, has impressed him a lot. He decided to devote a few years of his life traveling and studying the various sciences.

He engaged in particularly diligent study of Latin, mathematics, history and geography.

During the period from 1882 to 1884's, he visited Vienna, Berlin, Breslau, and studied the of French, German, English and Russian philosophers, and with a particular zeal the great thinkers of the Jews.

In Vienna, he met with Karl Netter, founder of the "World Union of Israel" ("Alliance Israelite Universelle"). Here he became highly interested in the plans of the "Union" of Jewish colonization.

At the same time he officially joined the membership of Kagan, which at the time consisted of the following organizations: "The World Israeli Union", "Anglo-Jewish Association", "B'nai B'rith", American and German, and "Hovevei Zion." The latter organization was very weak at that time.

Nothing gave a reason to suppose that the young "initiate", that came close to the highest center of Jewish power, will later on become the head and the Arbiter of this terrible Kagan, under whose decrees, throughout the world, will spread the most terrible disasters, and who will subordinate to his will and his strength, all the guns of action and power available to the Jewish conspiracy.

In 1884 Ginsberg, returned to Russia and then came to Odessa. This city was then the center of "Union Hovevei Zion", which means "Friends of Zion." At the head of the organization, as its chairman, stood Leon Pinsker.

Ginsberg was highly interested in it, and joined the Union. Soon he became the Pinsker's right hand and one of the most active leaders of the movement.

In 1886 Ginsberg finally settles in Odessa

In 1886, he finally settled in Odessa, and since then has devoted its energy to the development of the Jewish question.

[Note: there are numerous reports and testimonies stating that "The Protocols" first appeared in Odessa, well before the 1st Congress. And they were seen in the original version, in Hebrew.]

He wrote in Hebrew.

His letter sent to a well-known Jewish scholar Finn on his seventieth birthday, drew total attention toward him.

While Ginsberg was a friend of Leon Pinsker, head of "Hovevei Zion", he did not approve of the methods and techniques which were used by the organization in their concerns about improving the situation of the Jews.

His irritation grew more and more, and "soon Ginsberg became known as the Apostle of God's Wrath" - so says about him Tsold.

Tactics employed by "Hovevei Zion", appeared to him not sufficiently strong and effective, and insulted his nationalist impulses.

Therefore, as soon as he gathered a certain number of followers among the educated, but poor Jews, he began to indoctrinate them with his aggressive, rebellious feelings.

In 1889 the founder of Jewish newspaper "Hamelits" Alexander Tsederbaum came to Odessa. He met with Ginsberg, evaluated his potential and understood his potential to become an outstanding writer, writing in Hebrew, and so he invited him to participate in his newspaper.

Initially Ginsberg refused an offer, but then took his refusal back after his supporters during an entire night (winter 1889) urged him to accept the invitation to enter the arena of journalism.

They were trying to prove to him that all his works will remain futile efforts until his grievances and appeal to active combat, is widely distributed throughout, because, by their very nature, his thoughts must become widely popular and become accepted by the masses in order to become a real engine of these masses.

"This is the wrong way" produces a sensation

Leaning on the arguments of his friends, the next day Asher Ginsberg passed Tsederbaum his article entitled "Lo Zo Hadereh ("This is the wrong way"). The article was immediately published in the "Hamelits" and produced a sensation among the Jews.

It was signed by the name of Ahad Ha'am.

Ginsberg, in his article proved a failure of methods used by "Hovevei Zion" and other organizations to solve the Jewish problem. In his view, their main drawback is the absence of the communist spirit and in preference, given to the idea of individualism.

As a means of combating the suffering of oppressed Jews, these organizations have put forward the basis of Jewish colonies in Palestine. But Ginsberg argued that this tool may not contribute to the revival and strengthening of Jewish nationalism, without which the idea of Judaism can not exist.

Ginsberg founds a secret society "Bne Moshe"

Soon after, Asher Ginsberg founded a secret society "Bne Moshe" ("Sons of Moses").

Much of his theory was expressed in the statutes of this society, whose charter will be examined in detail below, which provides an overview of the whole teaching of Ginsberg and evolution of Zionism.

In 1890, Asher Ginsberg became the director of the Hebrew newspaper "Keveret.

Zionists have attached great importance to Ginsberg's travel to Palestine and believe that in the history of Zionism, they define the individual stages of the entire movement: The years of 1891-1893-1900-1912.

After each trip followed the Ginsberg's critical articles devoted to the impressions rendered by such visits. General collection of his works was published in 1895, under the title "The Crossroads".

In 1896, Ginsberg became one of the directors of the Jewish community edition "Ahiazafa" in Warsaw.

During the same year he received a large grant from K. Wissotzky, [13] from Moscow, and founded the monthly journal "Ha Shiloah", which lasted until the very beginning of the war.

Ginsberg takes part in the First Zionist Congress

In response to Herzl's appeal, Ginsberg and his followers took part in the First Zionist Congress held in Basel in 1897.

When the intentions and plans of Western European leaders of Zionism were presented at this Congress, Ginsberg completely parted with their ideology and tactics, and since then has become their most definite opponent.

The official Zionism existing at the time, was nicknamed by him "political Zionism" or "Herzlism. His own brand of Zionism he called "spiritual" or "practical" or even "cultural", and has placed it in a position clearly and completely oppositional to "Herzlism".

This Zionism is known as "Ahad Ha'amism".

Both of these are the opposing camps, representing two different ways of understanding of the tactics to be followed in order to take possession of Palestine and affirmation of Jewish rule over the world, which, as we know, has always been the cherished Jewish dream.

The difference of understanding of their immediate objectives in both parties has caused a fierce hostility toward each other.

The "Political Zionism" of Herzl was the executive body of the independent Order of "B'nai B'rith", and grouped around itself all the Jews in Western Europe and America.

"Practical Zionism" of Ahad Ha'am, gathered under its banner the Jews in Eastern Europe and the "Order of Hovevei Zion."

Herzl's party sought to obtain the Palestine, or, in the worst case, some other territory, that would belong exclusively to the Jews as a refuge and assurance in case of their departure from countries where they believed they were oppressed.

Herzl did attempt to acquire Palestine either by buying it from the Turkish Sultan, or through influence of one of the great European powers, that would use its authority to persuade the Sultan to the transference of Palestine to the Jews.

Comparatively it does not represent any great difficulty to trace all the activities of the unfortunate Herzl through a long series of his diplomatic adventures and con acts, when he negotiated it with either Turkish Sultan, or the German emperor Wilhelm II, then with the British government, then with the Khedive of Egypt, constantly striving to implement his dream of possessing Palestine, that very promised land, which since 1860, Moses Hess (Hess) has dreamt to get in Jewish possession, with the support of France.

No less than Herzl, Ginsberg also wanted Palestine, but he was not satisfied with any other territory, for only in Palestine, he fancied it possible to create the Jewish center. But even more than the acquisition of the Jewish autonomous territory, he wished that among the Jews who lived "in exile", there would be a revival of Judaism in their national spirit.

He agreed to postpone for a while the return of Jews to Palestine, only to have people brought up in the proper sense, so that they would feel in heart and soul a desire to create their own, independent state, and such a state of mind of the people will only be possible when every Jew is deeply aware of their affiliation to a separate nation.

In 1884, the Independent Order of "B'nai B'rith" has made the first attempt at combining Western and Eastern Jews.

It happened in Kattovitsa, during a general meeting. No agreement between the two groups did take place: Eastern Jews "Hovevei-Zion", led by Leon Pinsker, Lilienblum and others, all the while kept to themselves.

The same thing happened at the Basel Congress in 1897.

Under the guidance of Ginsberg, Eastern Jews have always formed a separate camp, opposed to theories and to the manner of Herzl's actions, and totally independently of him carried out their own plans for Jewish colonization in Palestine.

Fierce argumentation took place between the leaders of both parties. Ginsberg showed particular intransigence and showed a passionate hostility to his party opponent. He never missed a suitable opportunity, to criticize not only actions but also journalistic articles and literary works of Herzl.

His hostility manifested especially sharply in 1902, after the appearance of Herzl's novel "Altneuland".

Ginsberg could not forgive Herzl the fact that the latter did not agree with his views and did not approve of his proposed plan of action outlined in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

So he violently utilized the appearance in print of the novel "Altneuland" and cruelly ridiculed him in his journal "Ha Shiola" in the January issue of 1903.

Max Nordau objected Ginsberg and his position.

We consider it necessary to cite here a part of Nordau's article, the very part where the author makes an allusion to the "Protocols", ie, the document that raised so much heated debate and controversy today.

Nordau calls Ginsberg a "servant of intolerance"

Nordau, calling Ginsberg a "servant of intolerance", continues as follows:

"Ahad Ha'am accuses Herzl of wanting to emulate Europe (Judging from these words, we must conclude that Jews do not consider themselves (and quite correctly) as Europeans, even while living among them for a long chain of generations? - (Comm. translator))...

"He can not even entertain a thought that we imitate Europe's academies, its opera, its "white gloves".

"The only thing he would like to to imitate from Europe in "Altneuland" is the principles of the Inquisition, the techniques and methods of action of anti-Semites, the restrictive laws of Romania in the same form as they are now being taken against the Jews.

"Such thoughts and feelings as he expressed would cause fear and resentment against a person, who is unable to rise above the level of the ghetto, without raising of a deep sense of pity for him in ones soul.

"The idea of freedom is beyond his understanding.

"He imagines freedom as a ghetto, but only with the roles reversed, so, for example, in his opinion, the persecution and oppression must be continued, but with the difference that is not the Jews will be victims, but the Christians.

"Great mistakes are being made by those Jews who trust Ahad Ha'am! He leads them to the abyss.

"Ahad Ha'am is one of the worst enemies of Zionism. We believe it is our right and our duty to protest loudly against the name of a Zionist who invests himself in Ahad Ha'am.

"He is not a Zionist!

"He represents the antithesis of Zionism and he lays us a trap, when he mentions Zionism, which in our understanding of the concept he calls "political" and contrasts his own 'secret Zionism'."
So spoke Max Nordau in 1903 and these were the differing points of view. On the one hand, the Western Jews, grouped around the Union, "B'nai B'rith", and with another - the Eastern Jews, being led by Ginsberg. Since 1897 the intrigues and the whole activity of Ahad Ha'am, take a very active and decisive nature, of which we will speak about in more detail in the next part of this essay examining the ways to apply the teachings of Ginsberg to life.

After living for some time in Warsaw, he moved to England where he lived under the guise of supposedly representative of the Firm Wissotzky, a Jew, a large Moscow tea merchant.

In 1911, Ginsberg participated in the Zionist Congress for the second time, and this time he was quite satisfied with the results of its meetings.

Ginsberg's theory of Zionism triumphs

It is not surprising, for his theory of Zionism triumphed over all the other ideas: it has penetrated into all the Zionist "B'nai B'rith" and gave its author a complete triumph; any resistance by his opponents were paralyzed by an overwhelming majority vote of its adherents.

Herzl's death that took place back in 1904, has opened a wide field for Ginsberg to make an impact on the minds of his fellow tribesmen.

Was this accidental death or was a major enemy of Ginsberg sacrificed in the name of ideas of "The Secret Zionism"?

No definite answer can be given on this question for as long as Herzl's death remains a mystery.

The idea of "Political Zionism" is totally defeated

In 1911, Wolfson [14] made a last-ditch effort to rescue the idea of "Political Zionism", but was defeated: in 1913 the eastern "practical Zionism" and with its creator, Asher Ginsberg, celebrated their victory on all fronts. From that moment Ginsberg's work started to quickly move forward: with exceptional energy and determination his program was being implemented the way he conceived it twenty years earlier, in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

The results achieved by the Zionism as a result of such a change of tactics, we will examine in another work.

Here, we restrict ourselves to enumeration of these results, what were:

World War II, general demoralization, Bolshevism, the efforts of the Jews in the governments of all countries to seize power and assert domination, the overall control of Freemasonry over the whole policy of peace, the opportunity to complete indiscriminate use of any means to achieve their goals ...

Currently, [15] Ahad Ha'am, a Jewish prophet, and a ferocious enemy of the rest of humanity, lives modestly in the suburbs of London and from there directs the actions of his closest followers and employees, which he named "priests".

To these faithful and obedient agents he gives instructions to perform his satanic commandments: he himself, in his essay entitled "Moses," identified and explained their role and their political and social significance.

(To be completed)

* * *
[1] The following text with minor corrections was printed in our brochure on "Ahad-Ham (Asher Ginsberg). Judean Secret Leader (translated from French)., Berlin, 1922.

[2] "Luch Svіta" [The Light beam] - Yearbook, issued in Berlin, by the Russian military officers, "white" emigrants P. N. SHABELSKY Bourque and F. B. Vinberg.

The third edition of the Yearbook (May 1920) contained the full text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", published by S. A. Nilus in 1911.

[3] Winberg Feodor Victorovitch - Born in Kiev in 1871 in the family division artillery commander.

Subsequently, also became an military officer and was promoted to colonel of the Imperial Guard.

He served in the regiment, as a honorary colonel of whose was the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

In 1918, for participation in the activities of the Union of the Archangel Michael and the counter-revolutionary work V. F. Winberg was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, from where he soon escaped.

Arriving in Ukraine, he joined as a promoter of the White Movement.

When the German troops left the Ukraine in late 1918, German authorities have provided the train for all the Russian officers who wanted to escape from the advancing red army forces.

Winberg took the opportunity and went to Germany.

Staying in Berlin, he began working in the Russian Yearbook "Ray of Light" and the first translation "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in German.

According to his German colleague, army captain L. Mueller, Winberg activities in Germany "became the starting point in the crusade against the Judeo-Masonic danger."

Colonel Feodor Winberg died in 1927 in France, and a special obituary in the International Journal of Secret Societies was dedicated to this event.

[4] Stephen Wise - President of the Zionist "American Jewish Congress".

[5] Shammai - the chief judge in the Jerusalem council in 30 BC. The founder of Talmudic religious school of Beit Shammai.

[6] Akiva Joseph - one of the famous Jewish teachers, I-II century AD. Achieved the highest degree of rabbinical scholarship and became the head of a religious school in the south of Palestine, the number of students of whom reached 24.000.

Was one of the organizers and participants of the anti-Roman rebellion against the Emperor Hadrian.

All of his students also took part in an armed struggle with Rome.

In suppressing the revolt and capture of the fortress city of Betar in 122, was executed by the Romans.

[7] Ben-Shimon, Johan - Jewish judge in the II century AD, a disciple of Akiba.

Notable for his extreme position in religious matters.

[8] Don Isaac Abravanel (1437-1508) - a statesman in Portugal and Spain. Was a finance minister at the court of Ferdinand the Catholic.

After the edict in 1492 to expel the Jews from Spain went to Italy.

Author of many books in Hebrew and the commentaries on the Torah and the Talmud.

[9] Maimon Maimonides (1135-1204) - one of the most revered Jewish missionaries, who wrote many works including a systematic exposition of the Jewish law and the interpretation of the Talmud.

[10] Moses Mendelssohn (Moses) (1729-1786) - Jewish philosopher, who lived in Germany.

Jewish sources say that from the time of Mendelssohn's, new period of Jewish history has begun.

Author of introduction and some commentary on the Torah and other Hebrew religious books.

One of the organizers of the Order of the Illuminati.

[11] Hess (Hess), Moses (1812-1875) - Zionist and socialist activist.

Participated in the revolution in Germany in 1848.

Founder of the World Jewish National Socialist Union of the German Social-Democratic Labour Party.

A close friend and teacher of Karl Marx.

[12] First Zionist Congress was held in August 1897 in the Swiss city of Basel on the initiative of the Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl (Binyamin Ze'ev).

The Congress was attended by 197 delegates from 17 countries that formed the core of the actual organizational structure of international Zionism - World Zionist Organization (WZO), which was headed by Herzl himself.

[13] K. Wissotzky - Jewish businessman who controlled one third of the tea exports to Russia.

Was one of the first members of Hovevei Zion "and Ahad Ha'am patron.

In each box of tea imported into Russia by Vladimir Wissotzky, in order to promote embedded special Zionist literature.

Before his death in 1904, Wissotzky Zionists bequeathed 1 million rubles to Zionists.

[14] Wolfson - Herzl's successor as chairman of the WZO.

[15] These lines were written in the early 20's. Ahad Ha'am, died in 1927.

III. Sources of "Ahad Haamism" and their application to life

As was already mentioned in the previous chapter, a plan, developed in the "Protocols" is not a sole creation of thought of Ginsberg alone.

The very title, which he gave to his work - "The Protocols of the Wisemen of Zion" - points to the correctness of this assertion, because the Jews give the name "wisemen" exclusively to dead and already prominent rabbis, thinkers and philosophers of their race. So it will be extremely interesting to trace the entire list of these "Jewish sages" to choose one of those theories and doctrines which took Ginsberg to formulate their "Protocols".

From Moses, and Shammai, and Ben-Akiva Iohaya [1], he borrowed a hatred for all non Jews.

Not only he was filled with this hatred and developed it within, but he managed to indoctrinate his followers with it.

Ginsberg's attitude toward this issue is clearly expressed in the same place in the "Protocols," where he talks about "goy beasts" - as a Jewish "prophet" refers to all "infidels", all non-Jews.

As for his followers, it will suffice to mention one of his close students and aficionados, Leone Simone, who in one of his articles devoted to his teacher ("Menora", 1917), makes a comparison between the Christian ideal and the Jewish ideal.

It goes without saying that all his "comparisons" are directed much to the reproach and humiliation of Christianity.

Incidentally, the following phrase slipped from his tongue:

"Judaism could never be satisfied with the ideals that satisfy the home, domesticated beasts" ...

The main source of inspiration for Ginsberg is Moses. He worships him as his highest ideal.

No wonder he himself, this Ginsberg, was recognised as "prophet" and not only by his closest followers and disciples, but also the broad masses of the Jewish people.

In view of this, it would be of interest to familiarize with the idea, which Ginsberg himself constructed about the concept of "prophet."

When you read his article, "Moses", the impression is left as though the author's own confession was spelled out.

This article, written in 1904, was a poisoned arrow aimed at Herzl, whom the Jews at that time often called a "prophet."

Some excerpts from this work will help us understand the character of Ginsberg.

Let us present these excerpts.

"When I think about Moses and mentally observe his spiritual image, I ask myself: Was he a military hero?


Because the application of physical force is never expressed by him.

We never see Moses leading the army, performing feats of bravery in battle against the enemy.

Only once we see him on the battlefield, the battle with Amalek, but here he's just standing still, watching the progress of the battle, helping the Israel's army with his spiritual power, but without taking any active part in the battle.

Was Moses statesman?


Was he a legislator?


What was Moses then?

He was - a prophet. "

"The Prophet - is a man who develops his thoughts, images and ideas within himself to their extreme limits.

"In the mind and heart, he totally focuses all of his ideal, which appears to him to be the purpose of his life; he pre-plans that the whole world should be devoted to the service of this ideal, without any exceptions.

"He carries in his heart a complete image of his ideal world model on which he builds his entire plan for transformative work; he directs all his efforts that he wants to perform in an external manifestation of real life.

"He has an absolute conviction that everything must be exactly the way he understands it; and this conviction gives him ample grounds to demand it was exactly the way he wanted it.

"He does not accept any excuses, reasoning, compromise, and his passionate, condemning voice is heard incessantly, even when the whole world rises up against him."
This article was written at a time when the controversy between Herzl and Ginsberg flared to the utmost, and when Herzl's followers were far more numerous than the adherents of Ginsberg.

This is the cry of a fanatic, who defies the world and who is willing to commit any crime, is willing to sacrifice countless lives - only to execute his will.

In one of the writings of Leon Simon there is one place where he seems to want to add to the thought of his teacher and he says:

"The prophet wants to see the realization of his dreams, no matter what the consequences may occur from that."

Besides Moses, Ginsberg very much engaged in a detailed and penetrating study of the works of Maimonides ben Maimon (1135-1204), author of "Guidelines for doubting ones", this "second Moses", as he may be called, if we take into account the degree of reverence he enjoys among Jews.

Thoughts of this "wise man" are gathered in the article of Ginsberg, which he called "Supremacy of Reason."

With regard to some phrases and expressions, often repeated in the works of Ginsberg, such as a "Jewish soul", "Jewish nationalism", "Israeli nation" and so forth, these expressions are quite similar to those that used the Menasseh ben Yisrael [2] (1604-1657), a Jew, who had conquered England.

Ginsberg's fascination with Spinoza

Analyzing the various segments of the chain of creative search, created by Jewish thinkers, Ginsberg stopped for a long time in front of Spinoza (1632-1677).

With all his characteristic energy, he tried to pull out of this mine of philosophy all the thoughts, which can be utilized in a desirable sense to serve his fanaticism.

Spinoza expressed a thought, derived from his observations of life, that the law and power seem to him interacting factors, and that therefore the domain of individual rights coincides with the corresponding force.

Ginsberg seized upon this structure and made a dogma out of it:

"The power creates the law" - he says in his first "protocol."
Likewise, he took from Spinoza his theory of "natural lawfulness of force" that does not recognize the difference between good and evil.

From the same source he drew his vision of the future Jewish state in which the fundamental law will be the blind obedience, even in cases when it is ordered to kill their own kind or to take away their property.

The idea of a supreme law of the State controlling not only the civic activities of the people, but the entire spiritual and religious life, in other words, the idea of civil and religious despotism, outlined in the "Protocols" as a future line of conduct of clearly Jewish government - this idea is taken by Ginsberg from the theologico-political treatise by Spinoza.

It can be argued quite fairly that Ginsberg borrowed from Spinoza, everything that was needed to substantiate his teaching.

The same roots have his pantheism, which he mentions everywhere.

We have in mind to devote a special work on the analysis of "The Protocols": there, from our analysis, the reader will be able to make even more reasoned conviction that Ginsberg in his work is not an innovator, by any means.

Widely using Spinoza, Ginsberg turned to the study of his predecessors - the influential and popular Jews of the XVIII century.

Pre-eminent place among them occupied Wessel [3] (1725-1805) and Moses Mendelssohn (1728-1786), the "third Moses': they both, along with the bankers Ittsigom, [4] and Friedlander [5] and Meyer [6] were those, who inspired and organized Illuminism.

It would be be extremely appropriate to draw a parallel between the Wessel and Asher Ginsberg.

Both of them, were called prophets by their contemporary Jews.

They both understood, as well as it gets, the psychology of "human groups of different political parties and people" (See "Protocol" #2), and were able to utilise the weaknesses and shortcomings of "infidels", whom they utilize for their purpose as a weapon, or as a screen.

Just as the Wessel and Mendelssohn utilised Adam Weishaupt [7], Reimarus [8], Lessing [9], Nicolai [10], Dom [11], Mirabeau [12], and others in the same way Ginsberg nowadays has in his hands, in its full power, Lloyd George [13], Clemenceau [14], Wilson [15], Leon Bourgeois [16], Rathenau [17], and still many, many others.

Wessel and Ginsberg converge in their identical views on the general plan of action.

The surest way to conduct their business they both find the one, that leads to the full implementation of supreme control and surveillance of Freemasonry and all its branches.

Both of them achieved their goal.

Using the same methods in different periods of history, these two Jews fueled the revolution and led it: Wessel has prepared the "Great French Revolution"and saw firsthand how it has developed and operated.

Ginsberg made plans for the both of the revolutions in Russia

Ginsberg made plans for the both of the revolutions in Russia, in 1905 and 1917, and also had the opportunity to enjoy the drama he had conceived to the fullest.

To have an accurate idea of the number of thoughts borrowed by Ginsberg from Wessel, the reader should read the "Protocols" of Ginsberg and writings of both authors side by side.

Such a method would be especially necessary while studying the orders and instructions of Weishaupt, sent to his followers, directly presenting Vessel in full view.

Ginsberg also imitated Mendelssohn in regard to the Jewish movement "Husky-la",[18]; but in the further development of understanding of the Jewish question enormous difference arose between him and Mandelson is set an difference.

The role of Mendelssohn in solving the national question consisted in him promoting and facilitating the idea of the Jew being pulled out from his ghetto to become a part of a fuller life, and, having acquired education, he would be able to penetrate the intellectual circles of the German society, so he could seek the governmental and professional positions and achieve an equal social status.

Ginsberg could not agree with this point of view: such a palliative, in his opinion, could not satisfy him.

He set himself the task to apply the results of the XVIII century movements as factors in the revival and strengthening of Jewish nationalism, interestingly enough, giving his work a purely creative nature, for the cherished goal of his was the re-establishment of the Jewish people on the updated basis.

Wessel and Asher Ginsberg honored by Jews as the most progressive leaders ("Maskilim") of his time (See Jewish Encyclopedia, "Haskalah").

If we exclude the national trend the Ginsberg's Zionism, which in the XVIII century, the Jews would not dare to hint at, then all the teaching of Ginsberg, in its essence, is nothing but a splinter from the program of Wessel and Berlin School "Haskalah" ("Haskalah"), founded by Mendelssohn.

Among the other "Wise Men of Zion," which many thought Ginsberg used in constructing his theory, we should mention Abraham Geiger, Einhorn, Berneya (Bernays), Zintsa, Frankel, Sachs and Moses Hess (Hess).

From Abraham Geiger [19] (1810-1874) he took his theory of gradual evolution, which he constantly contrasted with methods of "political" Zionists.

(See conjecture of L. Baron, a professor at Columbia University, Adler, a direct student of Heiger, however, is an enthusiastic fan of Ahad Ha'am,).

Ginsberg's fanatical belief that the Jews are the "chosen people" is in full accordance with the convictions of Einhorn, sharply pronounced by him (see "Protocol" #5).

Isaac Bernays (1792-1849) gave Ginsberg the theory, which he expressed many times since, the "systematization of Judaism in accordance with a common culture", Ginsberg followed when he was painting to his followers as supremacy of the meaning of Judaism in world history.

In the "Biblical East" of Bernays, as well as in the "Protocols" of Ginsberg, the idea that only Jewish people can and should serve as a prototype and model for the entire human race is loudly proclaimed.

Frankel [20] (1801-1875) and Sax (1808-1864) gave Ahad Ha'am his passionate commitment to the Hebrew language.

As far as Moses Hess (1812-1875), to judge the extent of his influence on Ginsberg and other Zionists it would be necessary to carefully read his book "Rome and Jerusalem."

This work was the primary foundation of a Jewish nationalist movement, and was the first bold attempt to its proclamation.

To enrich his knowledge in creating a world-view Ahad Ha'am did not scorn even some non-Jewish thinkers, among whom Darwin and Nietzsche should be placed in the first places.

Although in the "Protocol" #2, Ginsberg, and they say that the theories of Darwin and Nietzsche were deliberately interpreted by Jews in such a manner, in order to make the degradation of morals and disturbance of mind among the Christians, even though he considers himself to be a follower of Darwin and spoke about it as follows:

"I can even join in this scientific heresy known as Darwinism, without it causing damage to my Judaism."

(Selections of works Ahad Ha'am, collected by Leon Simon).

"Reevaluation of Values" and "Alion" - "Super-Nation"

In his work entitled "Reevaluation of Values", in thought and style in exact likeness of "The Protocols" as applied to the Jewish people, which he calls "Alion", or "super-nation".

While studying and systematization in his mind of all the different theories, we have listed, Asher Ginsberg has begun compiling his program, which became known to us through his "Protocols", and began to look around for practical ways to bring it into action and its implementation in real life.

In the previous chapter it was said about the extreme displeasure with Ginsberg methods used by Leon Pinsker and Hovevei Zion "to resolve the Jewish problem".

It has been said about how he united around himself a small group of Jews, who founded a secret society "Bne Moshe" or "Sons of Moses."

As to "Bne Moshe", the limited size of our brief essay does not allow us to discuss the details of the formation and development of this secret society, which at first consisted of a few enthusiastic Jewish nationalists bound by oath, requiring them to blindly carry out the orders of Asher Ginsberg, their a fanatical leader.

In all probability, there was an ulterior motive for the name "Bne Moshe" ("Sons of Moses") to appear.

Its choice, on the one hand, we can explain with worshipping of prophet Moses, by Ginsberg.

On the other hand, it can be also be attributed to other motives.

For several centuries, the Jews believed that there is somewhere in an unknown place, exists a Jewish colony, an offshoot of the Jewish tribe, quite separate from the rest of their tribesmen and consisting of the direct descendants of straight line of Moses.

These "sons of Moses" ought to know the secret that opens the ways and means by which the Jews were destined to achieve the conquest of the world to their dominion.

Centuries have passed, and very often many of the Jews fell into the trap and become victims of fraud by various crooks of their own race, appearing, allegedly, with the messages from "the sons of Moses."

In the end, the existence of a mysterious tribe ceased to be believable, and the name of "Sons of Moses" has become synonymous with "Utopian".

Of course, every well-balanced mind would call those Utopians including those seven Jews, who in 1889 became members of society "Bne Moshe."

Their headquarters was in Odessa, in the house Ginsberg on Yamskaya street.

Only those, who quite successfully passed through a series of very difficult tests would become the new members of society.

These tests were designed to test the candidate in the sense that whether he is ready and able to to sacrifice everything he has, and all his personal interests to wholeheartedly and selflessly dedicate himself to the cause to the ministry of which he expressed his desire to join.

To this small group of "elite" Ginsberg outlined his plan of action in the name of the revival of Jewish nationalism, which was a starting point in his program, from which one should proceed to the implementation of the Jewish ideal, ie, to achieve world domination of the Jews.

The statutes of the society were published in 1890, but the very name of society was wisely dropped.

However, in 1905, details of the organization became known to wider circles, due to the expansion of recruitment of new members.

Among the original members of society appear the following names: Ben Avigdor, Zalman Epstein, Levin Epstein, Jacob Eisenstadt.

The latter was assigned to one of the most difficult and delicate tasks.

He was obliged to recruit new members among Russian Jews. He chose the candidates who are deemed capable to enter the kinds of society and faithfully fulfill its requirements.

Qualities, which the candidates should posses as a condition for their acceptance into society, were the following:

outstanding mental abilities;

knowledge of Hebrew language and the perception of Hebrew culture;

impeccable reputation: the energy and courage, stop at nothing.

In addition, the dedication to Jewish nationalism was supposed to supervene all activities of the candidate.

The hallmark of "Eastern" Judaism
- Foundation of "Protocols"

This was the hallmark of Eastern Judaism, which is determined by its sharp opposition to the Western Judaism, that allows even the appearance of external assimilation, and even the tendency of tolerance of Jews towards the country in which they were born.

Ginsberg wrote a summary of his theories, which became no known as the "Protocols" specifically for the members of society "Bne Moshe".

This is the same word - "Protocols" that was also used by Weishaupt, head of Illuminati.

Being closely related to the Parisian center of the "Alliance Israelite Universelle", we talked about above that in his youth he was strongly influenced by Charles Netter, one of the founders of the "Union", Ginsberg hoped that he would find support among Some of its members.

Therefore, for this "Union" was made a French translation of "The Protocols" and sent to Paris.

It is this translation that was read to a group at the First Zionist Congress in Basel, in 1897.

They had to be read in French, since among those, recognized to be worthy to read the document, the majority, including even Herzl and Nordau did not know Hebrew.

This is the document fell into the hands of friends Nilus. [21]

A number of testimonies establishes the authenticity of this fundamental item.

At the time of the Basel Congress (1897), a Jew, Alfred Nossig, an avowed Zionist, then working on the libretto for the opera Paderewski [22] "Manru", submitted in 1901, spoke about the "Protocols "to his employee.

And Paderewski immediately told this story many Poles, who, of course, found it implausible.

Alfred Nossig now resides in Berlin.

Paderewski, and at least some of his friends of 1897 are still alive.

Secretly, quietly, but quickly Society "Bne Moshe" began to evolve.

When you begin to monitor its evolution, you could not help but recall the distant days of history, when for its secret purposes of propaganda Rabbi Akiva has been making continuous trips: during his travels, he also laid an embryos and the foundation of the organization of the discontent of the Jews with Rome, broke out in the reign of Emperor Hadrian.

In a large number of cities in Russia, Romania, Poland and Galicia, Society "Bne Moshe" founded the lodge, called the "Lishkot".

Their ramifications have been distributed further, and reached Paris, Berlin, England, Warsaw, and Palestine.

In 1897, after the Basel Congress, Society of "Bne Moshe" was supposedly disbanded and closed, giving way to another organization, known as "Bne Zion", and received the legal right to exist from the Russian government (!).

This new organization was founded in Moscow, by Usyshkin, [23] a student of Asher Ginsberg.

"Bne Zion" organization grouped in itself all the different lodges of "Hovevei Zion" and "Bne Moshe", and became a powerful camp, always standing in opposition to "political Zionism" and "B'nai B'rith" of Europe and America.

"Bne Moshe" and "Bne Zion" founded a few colonies in Palestine, among which the most significant was the Rehoboth.

Through his articles that have appeared in the journal "Ha-Shiloach" and other publications in Hebrew, Asher Ginsberg was in constant contact with his people.

Later on, thanks to his capital, provided by K. Wissotzky, he founded the publishing company "Ashifsseff".

All the measures were taken to to awake in the soul of every Jew a clear sense of belonging, not to the people of the country in which he lived, but to the nation, Jewish, part of a separate nation, the only one to which all Jews are obliged to serve.

"There can be no nationalism without a nation, and may not be a nation without a national identity" - so says Asher Ginsberg, in his "Way of Life."

Jewish nation is "super-nation"

This basic principle, that claims there exists a Jewish nation in reality, gave rise to the doctrine that the Jewish nation is "super-nation", the people chosen by God, ascended very high, "above all other nations, not political might, but its spiritual power".

"The people representing the most perfect type of humanity, must always remain in the minority and in no manner can share their destiny with any other nation ...

"This nation will have dominion over all others ...

"And this nation is Israel, which, among other nations, is indeed the highest type of humanity ...

Israel will return the idea of "good" the same meaning it had before ...

"Good" is applicable to a superman or super-nation, which has the power to distribute and extend its life, and who has the will to become a master of the universe, ignoring the fact that it could cost the masses of the lower creatures, and the lower people, nor with disasters they can therefore be subjected to.

For only one superman and only one super-nation is a color and purpose of human kind, the rest were created only to serve that purpose, to serve as a ladder by which one could climb to the top of the treasured "...

-- Asher Ginsberg, "Revaluation of Values."
These are the thoughts and theories that since 1889 breastfed the minds of Eastern Zhids and advocated at the eastern Zionists lodges.

They embody the teachings of "Ahad Gaamism".

The only thing left for us is to follow the results achieved during those thirty-five years that have elapsed since the origin of "Ahad Gaamism" in Odessa.

IV. Results

1. The first visible result is manifested in the very fact which Ginsberg craved for and what he expected: among the Oriental Jews the spirit of nationalism has been revived and their national fanaticism began to grow.

This trait separated the Oriental Jews of "Bne-Zion" from their Western European and American brothers, "B'nai B'rith": the latter wanted to take advantage they received from the rights of citizenship in the countries they inhabited, and, therefore, they did not dare to speak out loud about a unified Jewish nation and limited their efforts to only those that sought to get the territory to be colonized by "oppressed" Jews.

When in 1909 Herzl's efforts and negotiations to purchase Palestine finally led to a complete failure, the popularity and importance of this man among the Jews began to fall.

At the same time, Ahad Ha'am, on the contrary, thanks to millions of K. Wissotzky and J. Schiff [24] was almost sure that his plans are beginning to be implemented.

It was a time when both internal and external Russian Jews have caused this country the first serious blow: because in 1904 they, and nobody else caused the Japanese agression and they have used everything they could to simultaneously with the war ignite a revolution in the heart of the country [Russia] (1905).

Blow was not strong enough, and Russia held its ground, and Ginsberg experienced the utmost disappointment, but he had not lost any energy or persistence or hope for future success.

True, for the sake of this failed attempt, a certain number of Jewish lives had to be sacrificed, for the Russian correctly guessed a Jew guilty of their sufferings, and avenged him, but what it could mean for Ginsberg?

The Jewish masses, being hypnotized by their leaders for ages, have been conditioned to believe that they are being oppressed by Russians, while in fact the real villain had been their own chiefs, who, with their diabolical plans and actions themselves have prepared specific reasons for the impending massacres, and who then blatantly denied all the responsibility for them, declaring such a "manifesto":

"We were forced to sacrifice the masses of our people of Israel, but each of those killed on our side is worth thousands of lives of Gentiles in the God's eyes," (See "Protocol" # 2).

After the sudden (?) Herzl's death in 1904, Ginsberg, cleverly, supported by his followers, who became the same fanatics like himself, went on a frenzy to pursue both of his main goals:

1) To achieve supremacy of the "Eastern" Jews over the "Western" Jews;

2) To conquer Palestine for the Jews with the blood of "infidels".

Taking into account that, due to the resistance of Sultan, Herzl could not get Palestine by peaceful means, the Ahad-Haamist conspirators organized the first revolution in Turkey in 1908, and then the Balkan war of 1912, in both cases having to destroy the power that refused to sacrifice their possessions in favor of Jews.

And this time again, Ginsberg was defeated, which was a consequence of the intrigues of the Zionist "B'nai B'rith", opposing his plans.

And this time again no attention was drawn to the fact that countless lives had to be sacrificed for the implementation of a new attempt of the "prophet."

Yet this defeat became a lesson for Ginsberg, and for the rest of the Zionists.

They became aware of the fact that their failure occurred as a result of separation that existed between them since 1897.

They realized that only a strong union would help them get closer to the goal, which was common in both camps, but they went different ways.

Then the "political Zionism" of "B'nai B'rith" and "practical" Zionism or "spiritual" Zionism of "Bne-Zion" decided to join ... And Hertselists and Ahad-Haamists realized the need to merge into one common Zionism. Negotiations between the delegates of both parties have begun.

Tenth Basel Zionist Congress in 1911 was very stormy.

Ahad-Haamists were presented on it by Chaim Weizmann [25], Sacher [26] and other supporters of Ginsberg; their power was immediately felt - several reciprocal concessions were made to the leaders of both parties, and all the misunderstandings were more or less settled.

Wolfsonan, the official representative of Zionism, was stubborn in vain; the only advantage that he held over his opponents was that in the conduct of "political Zionism" the control "the Jewish National Fund" was preserved.

Two years later, at the 11th Zionist Congress, held in Vienna in 1913, Ahad Ha'am, personally appeared to enjoy the victory, which he won over his antagonists in 1897.

At this congress, the "political" Zionists of "B'nai B'rith" accepted the entire program of "practical" Zionism of the "Eastern Jews" of "Bne-Zion", and declared to be ready to help implement the plans outlined by the" Protocols ", which once had been rejected by Herzl.

Wolfson remained as a chairman of the Zionist organization, but apparently wishing to follow the example of Herzl's, soon after, in 1914, the year, as appropriately by the way, he also died.

Max Nordau, and other leaders of the "political" Zionism lost all their significance and impact; Ahad Ha'am and his creations took up all control of Zionism and determined its future course.

Jews of "B'nai B'rith", which Ahad Ha'am called "assimilated" Jews were forced to move to the second rank, and give place to the Eastern Jews, Russian, Romanian and Galician, which passed the "school" of Asher Ginsberg.

One of the reasons why the Western Jews in the majority were at a disadvantage, not knowing the Hebrew language, or knowing it on a superficial level, was the paramount importance, which was given to the knowledge of the language.

Zionism of "B'nai B'rith", or "Gertslerism", which was talked about, as of something "idyllic," has given way to those ugly, horrific realities, which preached "Ahad Haamism".

Crimes against humanity, in advance frivolous and intended by Ahad Ha'am, together with his faithful disciples, with the gracious approval of "Israel World Union" and the "Great East" should now be given in pursuance with the powerful support provided by "B'nai Brith" and all the Masonic lodges in Europe and America, from this point on could already been said with certainty that the plot has become global.

[2] Bringing to life the call made by Albert Cohen [27] in 1864, Zionism has used it as a mask under which it concealed its horrific plans.

In the eyes of the profane world, he humbly asked to give him the opportunity to establish a Jewish university in Palestine.

For the visibility, it would be hard to imagine a more innocent pretext, and it goes without saying that in this case, the Gentiles were once again duped and complacently caught in a trap set up for them.

In fact, the same "innocent" Zionism has already organized the World War with his alliance with the Pan-Germanism; it also organized the Russian Revolution, Bolshevism, the concentration of gold and all the material resources of the world in Jewish hands, the extermination of the most brave and powerful of the human family, a horrifying massacre of gentiles, who were forced to kill each other, fall of the monarchy, and to briefly summarize, submissive subjugation of non-Jewish, "the lowest of nations" to Israel, "Super-Nation", in a word, was executed the whole plan, as expressed in the "Protocols" in 1890 and even earlier.
In early 1917, the center of the Zionist organization was moved from London to America.

Interesting details about these questions are provided by Nahum Sokolov [28], and Jesse Zampter.

Incidentally, we learn that, after the Zionist conference held in London on February 7, 1917, in the house of Rabbi Gaster, [29] the following occurred:

"Given the enormous value represented by the question of Zionism for the governments of the Entente, Nahum Sokolov, was summoned by the French government in Paris", etc. ..

The Balfour Declaration, [30] is just as vile as it is ambiguous, imbued with the Zhid's spirit no less than the "Protocols": we can easily find reasons so confidently assert that since the Jews themselves say that it was written, read and edited by the English and American Zionist organizations.

No wonder that we see the name of asher Ginsberg as a head of the "political committee" formed in England in early 1917; becoming acquainted with the list of members of the "committee", we will be able to see that all the other members of it are are made up of the followers of his school.

During the war and after it, the whole world is lead by this gang of Zionist fanatics, of whom the most notable are: Chaim Weizmann, Gaster, Leon Simon, Joseph Klausner [31], members, Usyshkin [32], Levin [33], Nahum Sokolov.

All the people standing at the head of the governments of all nations, are nothing else but a weapon of Zionists, such as: Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Millerand [34], Kayo [35], Clemenceau, Robert Lansing [36], and etc.

Among the Jews: Trotsky-Bronstein as their weapon, like Rufus Isaac [37], or Rothschild, Rathenau, Herbert Samuel [38], Louis Brandeis [39], Gompers [40], Bernard Baruch [41], Otto Kahn [42], Kerensky and Jacob Schiff.

And then - it remains for us to certify that ...

Palestine became in the end the prey of the Jews.

Translator's Note. Determined to put in the fourth edition of my published book "Ray of Light" including a printed translation of a leaflet by Mrs. Fry, I conceived the idea to provide the "Ray of Light" and the portrait of Ahad Ha'am, and secret leader of the Jewish people.

So I turned to some friends of mine living in London, asking them to get it and send me a picture of Asher Ginsberg.

I thought it is not difficult to get a photo of this, in any case, outstanding man, the undisputed leader and engine of the Zionist movement.

I recently received a disappointing response.

As far as the Ahad Ha'am himself, it has been communicated to me that about a year ago, shortly after the "Vieille France" ("Old France") published the revelations about him, he left England, where until time was staying, and disappeared completely [43]- Vinberg.

Reprinted with minor corrections according to the publication: "Ahad-Ham (Asher Ginsberg). Iudeyskiy Secret Chiefs. (Translation from French), Berlin, 1922.


[1] More detailed information about these and certain other persons not mentioned hereinafter referred to as footnotes, are presented in the previous issue of our newspaper.

[2] Menasseh ben Yisrael - Rabbi of Amsterdam.

Being on friendly terms with the leader of the English Revolution, Oliver Cromwell, sought once the decision to free settlement of Jews in England, deprived of this right in accordance with the edict of King Edward I of 1290. Due to the active work of Menasseh ben Yisrael, an open confession of Judaism in England was again resumed.

[3] Wessel Naftali Hertz - Jewish scholar and expert in the Hebrew language.

Lived in Germany and is one of the leaders of the Jewish movement "Haskalah".

[4] Ittsig Daniel (1723-1799) - Jewish financier.

Was employed by the Prussian King Friedrich II the Great as a court banker and owner of the Mint.

Helped him to finance the war with Prussia, the European countries and Russia.

At the same time headed the Prussian Jewish community in Germany.

[5] David Friedlander (1750-1834) - Jewish industrialist, owner of a silk factory in Berlin.

His religious views and actions were common in the Jewish milieu of Germany in the XIX and were then transferred to the U.S..

[6] Mayer Amschel (1744-1812) - Jewish financier, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

[7] Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) - Professor of the canonical and natural rights in Bavaria.

In 1776 he founded a secret Order of the Illuminati, that was extremely hostile to the Catholic Order of Jesuits.

For greater success of his business Weishaupt joined with other Masons and joined the Munich lodge "Theodore of Good Light."

After exposing the Illuminati by the Bavarian government in 1786, Weishaupt was deprived of his professorship and banished from Bavaria, which, however, did not stop him to then enter the service to the Duke of Saxe-Gotha (Germany). Despite temporary setbacks, the Illuminati had nevertheless, a significant influence on the French Revolution of 1789-1794.

[8] Reimarus Herman Samuel (1694-1768) - professor of Hebrew and mathematics at Hamburg. Author of numerous works on philosophy and natural history.

[9] Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729-1781) - German playwright, art theorist and literary critic.

He was one of the leading representatives of the German Enlightenment.

Author of several pro-Jewish plays. A member of a Masonic lodge "Three gold roses."

[10] Nicolai, Christoph Friedrich (1733-1811) - German writer and publisher.

Collaborated with Lessing and Mendelssohn.

A member of the Order of the Illuminati. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

[11] Dom Christian Wilhelm (1751-1820) - German statesman, historian and publicist.

Advocated the Jewish equality.

The author of an extensive "History of the Jewish people since the destruction of their own state."

[12] Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Rickety (1749-1791) - Earl, an active worker of the French Revolution, a prominent Mason.

[13] David Lloyd George (1863-1945) - British Prime Minister in 1916-22 years.

[14] Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) - French Prime Minister in 1906-09 and 1917-1920.

[15] Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) - U.S. President in 1913-21.

[16] Leon Bourgeois - Minister of Labor of France in 1919, one of the founders of the League of Nations - an international organization, the actual predecessor of the UN.

[17] Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) - Jewish financier.

In 1922 - German Foreign Minister.

In the same year was killed by members of the German Right organization, "The Consul."

[18] "Haskalah ("Enlightenment ") - Jewish movement in Western Europe, founded by M. Mendelson.

Advocated for political and social equality of the Jews.

[19] Abraham Geiger - German rabbi, founder and first rector of the Hebrew Academy of Science in Berlin.

[20] Frankel Zacharias - Bohemian rabbi, was chief rabbi of Dresden and head of the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau (Germany).

[21] Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus (1862-1929) - Russian religious writer.

Graduated from Judicial department of Moscow University. In perfect master of three European languages.

The first one to publish in Russia the full text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

Married to Ozerova Elena Alexandrovna - maid of honor of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

After the Bolshevik coup, twice, in 1924 and 1927 was subjected to imprisonment.

Died of a heart attack on 68-year life.

His wife was arrested in 1937 and died in the Kolyma camps in 1938

[22] Paderewski Ignacy (1860-1941) - Polish pianist and composer.

[23] Usyshkin Menachem Mendel (1863-1941) - a Zionist activist.

Before the October Revolution led a network of clandestine Zionist organizations from Odessa.

Worked as a secretary at the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897.

After 1917 moved to London and in 1923 became chairman of the "Jewish National Fund."

[24] Schiff, Jacob (Jacob), Henry (1847-1920) - Jewish banker, head of the powerful banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Donated large sums of money to overthrow the autocracy and revolution in Russia.

By his own admission, these amounts totaled $20 million, $12 million of them were sent before the 1st World War.

[25] Weizmann, Chaim (1874-1952) - one of the leaders of international Zionism and the first president of Israel.

In 1920-31 and 1935-46 led the "World Zionist Organization (WZO).

[26] Harry Sacher (1888-1971) - British Zionist student closest adviser and confidant of Weizmann.

[27] Albert Cohen - one of the founders together with Karl Netter, "The World Israeli Union" (1860).

[28] Sokolov, Nahum (1859-1936) - leader of the Zionist movement and Jewish writer.

During the years of 1931-1935 he headed the WZO.

The author of a two-volume "History of Zionism, 1600-1918."

[29] Moses, Gaster (1856-1939) - in the years of 1887-1918 spiritual leader of the British Sephardi community.

He also served as vice president of four Zionist Congresses and President "of the Zionist Federation of England."

[30] Balfour Declaration - a statement the British government on November 2, 1917 on consent to the establishment in Palestine of a "Jewish national home."

Named after the British foreign minister Arthur Balfour and the Zionists who signed the document.

[31] Joseph Gedaliah Klausner (1874-1958) - a Jewish historian and Zionist.

Professor of Jewish literature at the Hebrew University and president of the Academy of Hebrew in Palestine.

Succeeded Ahad Ha'am as editor of the journal "Ha-Shiloah.

[32] Chlenov Yehiel (1863-1918) - Russian Zionist leader.

Since 1911 he was vice-president of the WZO.

After the February revolution in Russia in early 1917, Chlenov presided over the Zionist conference in St. Petersburg.

[33] Levin Shmariahu (1867-1935) - Russian Zionist leader.

In 1906 he was elected a deputy of the first State Duma of Russia.

After the dissolution of the Duma moved to Berlin and in 1911 became a member of the Executive Committee of DCG.

[34] Millerand Alexander (1859-1943) - French President in 1920-1924.

[35] Joseph Caillaux - Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of France in 1911. At the end of the World War I created radical socialist party in France with the help of German money.

After the failed attempt of the revolution in France in 1918 was on a trial for subversion.

[36] Lansing, Robert - U.S. Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson.

[37] Reading Rufus Daniel Isaac (1860-1935) - a Jew, a British statesman and viceroy of India, the Marquis.

During the World War I helped the U.S. military participation against Germany.

[38] Samuel Herbert Louis (1870-1963) - Viscount, British statesman and the first British high commissioner in Palestine in the years of 1920-1925.

Became the first Jewish governor of Palestine since the time of Roman rule 2000 years before.

[39] Brandeis Louis (Ludwig) Debica (1856-1941) - Judge of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Zionist leader.

In 1920 he headed the U.S. delegation to the Zionist conference in London.

[40] Samuel Gompers (1850-1924) - a Jew, an American trade unionist.

Founder and first president of the "American Federation of Labor."

[41] Baruch, Bernard Mannes (1870-1965) - Jewish financier, has long been an economic adviser to several U.S. presidents.

[42] Kahn Otto Hermann (1867-1943) - Jewish banker.

Moving to U.S. from Germany became a partner and co-director of the banking house "Kuhn, Loeb & Co." of J. Schiff.

[43] In 1922, Ahad Ha'am, moved to Tel Aviv, where he lived quietly for 5 years before his death in 1927. Later, his picture was finally discovered.

Она напечатана It was printed in the previous issue of "REMEMBRANCE" - # 1[26] in 1999.

The Problem of Authenticity of "the Protocols of Elders of Zion"

"One of the few major British newspapers have remained faithful to the Christian-national banner, "Morning Post", printing a study on "the causes of global unrest" and examining "the Protocols of Zion", concludes the article, which was published on October 27, 1921, with the following words:

"In any case, one thing is certain, that the "Protocols" may serve as a good practical guide describing the methods that had been used and continue to be used to destroy the great Empires."

-- ("World conspiracy" ("La Conspiracio Mundial Oculta "), Buenos Aires, 1955, pp. 24.)
"on June 26, 1933 "The Federation of Jewish Communities in Switzerland" and "The Jewish Community of Bern" filed a lawsuit against five members of the "Swiss National Front", that was distributing "Protocols of Zion", seeking a court decision that the "Protocols" are fake and requesting to prohibit their publication.

The court proceedings ran for almost two years, and there had been many violations, giving grounds for appeal. For example, while the 16 plaintiff's witnesses were all interrogated, but out of the 40 witnesses by the accused, only two witnesses were allowed to testify.

The entire course of hearings was stenographed by two persons, provided to the court court by the plaintiffs, rather than the official court stenographer.

The decision was made only by May 14, 1935. "The Protocols" were recognized as a forgery, and their publication in Switzerland prohibited.

The defendants have appealed that decision to the Swiss Court of Appeal and on Nov. 1, 1937 this Court completely reversed the decision rendered by the first trial on May 14, 1935 in its entirety.

The entire "world press", widely publicized the first decision. But it is almost impossible to find even a short note of the reversal of that verdict anywhere. But its abolition is hard to find anywhere else though brief note ..."

-- (Diky A. I., "Russian-Jewish Dialogue, New York, 1970. pp. 82-83.)


"As a mere literary curiosity, these documents which are called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" would exercise a fascination by reason of the terrible completeness of the World Plan which they disclose.

"But they discourage at every turn the view that they are literature; they purport to be statesmanship, and they provide within their own lines the clue by which their status may be determined. Besides the things they look forward to doing, they announce the things they have done and are doing.

"If, in looking about the world, it is possible to see both the established conditions and the strong tendencies to which these Protocols allude, it will not be strange if interest in a mere literary curiosity gives way to something like alertness, and it may be alarm."

(Ford, H. "The International Jew" "The Knight", 1998, pp. 118.)

[the above quote is the original quote by Henry Ford as published in English, instead of translation from Russian in the original text.]


"No matter what the real story is, still, what we have before us is a program, with complete coldness outlining a plan by which people should be financially and spiritually destroyed.

"And we see how this same program every day translates into reality, and thus, even if not as a whole, for the most part under the control of one race."

Ibid., pp. 128.)

The Ploy of the Protocols

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Proof of an Ancient Conspiracy

One famous Jewish convert to Christianity was Torquemada, the Inquisition's first Grand Inquisitor who had entered the Dominican order (even before the edict of 1492) and eventually rose to be the most powerful and most feared man in Spain, causing the torture and deaths of thousands of people. Critics of the Protocols often cite the horrors of the Inquisition as an example of "proof" that the Church has a greater historical basis for being the head of the conspiracy, as do they often cite the example of the Jesuit order as being at the inner core rather than the Judaic Elders. However, given the Talmudic/rabbinical edicts to infiltrate and destroy, as well as the repeated stated aims of the Illuminati and Protocols, it is not inconceivable that Jews living in accordance with their religion have played a significant part in these two organisations from the beginning:The newly founded Society of Jesus. . . Saint Ignatius. His secretary Polanco, the only person present at his deathbed, was of Jewish descent. So was Lainez, one of his first and greatest converts, was of Jewish descent. . . In a short time, as the young Jesuit organization became a power for Catholic reform and propaganda, Jews were attracted to it, as they are always attracted to centers of influence, in such numbers that it was found difficult to keep out those who wished to destroy the order and the Church under pretext of working for them. Thus a nephew of the great and Catholic Jew Polanco followed him into the society, and caused such difficulties and dissensions that for years he nearly drove his superiors to despair (Philip II, William Thomas Walsh, p. 95).

. . . 

Weishaupt entered Freemasonry in 1777, a year after the official formation of the Illuminati. Despite profoundly despising Freemasonry and Catholicism, Weishaupt used both systems for his purposes. He constructed the Order on the lines of the Jesuit Order and inserted the Illuminati Order into the Freemasonic Order. He devised a system of the pyramidal structure of a honeycomb, wherein each operative of the agenda would operate within his own information "cell"; so should he be discovered, he would be unable to reveal the secrets of anyone else operating in their own cell. These compartmentalised agents would apparently operate in isolation, whilst others higher in the chain of hierarchy would be able to observe and guide those below them by having an overall picture of the unfolding agenda. The very few have managed to control the very many with this simple power structure for aeons. This way, Weishaupt infiltrated Freemasonry and Illuminism took over the order from within. He soon began remoulding the structure of Freemasonry and inventing degrees of initiation which were, according to him, really only smokescreens and tools for the agenda. Through becoming the architect of modern Freemasonry, Weishaupt was able to recruit the keenest minds of his time into Illuminati level Freemasonry, whilst using the existing Freemasonic structure as a smokescreen, through which he could influence the spectrum of European aristocracy, royalty and all the levels of European social hierarchy over which Freemasonry dominated as the common element. Through the control of schools and centres of higher learning, new initiates of the highest intellect and moral predisposition were drawn to work for the agenda, either knowingly or unknowingly.

I draw the readers' attention to the orders given to the Chief Rabbi in Spain, to have the Jewish sons masquerade as their enemy in order to bring about their downfall. Some researchers have concluded that Weishaupt was himself a Jew. However, what is known as fact is that he was himself surrounded by Jews in his associations. Jewish writer, Bernard Lazare stated definitely that "there were Jews, Cabalistic Jews, around Weishaupt." The similarity between Weishaupt's agenda and that of the Elders is striking. Although not overtly Judaic, the Weishaupt papers showed a methodology which would achieve the same ends as the ancient conspiracy: a World Order run by a self-appointed elite. One clue to the origin of the ideas of Weishaupt came in the following statement made in his papers: ". . . the head of every family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch, the priest, and the unfettered lord of his family, and Reason will be the only code of Man." Which has striking similarities to the words of Moses Mendelssohn, the spiritual leader of German Jewry, and one of the men queried to be one of the "Jews. . . around Weishaupt": "Our Rabbis unanimously teach that the written and oral laws which form conjointly our revealed religion are obligatory to our nation only. . . We believe that all other nations of the earth have been directed by God to adhere to the laws of nature, and to the religion of the patriarchs." (M Samuels - "Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn").

It is worth noting that the Weishaupt agenda became public via an accident whereby secret documents came into public possession; therefore these documents and Weishaupt himself may merely represent but a part of the greater agenda. He may only ever have been a local branch manager in a greater honeycombed hierarchical structure, whose strings were pulled by agents beyond even his knowledge. A mass of evidence weighs heavily in favour of Weishaupt being but a worker bee in the system which he only apparently initiated via his Order of the Illuminati.

The Templars/Masons

It all traces back to the Knights Templars who were rightfully condemned by the Church for every sort of blasphemy and iniquity - they also brought back with them from Palestine the heresies/political subversions today known under the names Ismaelism and the Nizari; along with all of that they brought back the Biblically and Quranically condemned Middle Eastern practice of Usury. The below is a link to a history written by a Mason of the Knights Templar - don't be fooled, the Masons/Templars have corrupted all the earth with evil - directly from Satan. All of this was and is incorporated into the Alumbrado / Illuminati / Freemason / Jesuitical / Bavarian-Venenetian Al Debaran Middle Eastern Vatican Banking / ZioCommuNazi / New World Order which is the rule of the Antichrist - ad Dajjal, which will be destroyed at the Parousia of 'Isa al Maseeh - the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Jesuit's Russian Revolution

Home - History of the Protocols

The Secret History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion

THE SECRET HISTORY'S most important figures are perhaps self-proclaimed Russian mystic Madame Helena Blavatsky and her American assistant Colonel Henry Olcott. The result of their collaboration would thrust the world into the abyss and cost the lives of millions.

Their Theosophy ideology became popular amongst the middle classes in Germany at the end of the 1800's, mostly because of its introduction to Eastern religious and mystical ideas. Blavatsky claimed to have been party to revelations from Hidden Masters called the "Great White Brotherhood" who resided somewhere in the Himalayas. But Blavatsky later admitted in letters to her sister that this was a codename for the Rosicrucian hierarchy who funded her.  It is clear her work is influenced, if not sourced, in the work of Masonic demagogue General Albert Pike - the American South's Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Civil War war criminal, and founding member of the Ku Klux Klan - who revealed Rosicrucian/Masonic doctrine in his work Morals & Dogma (1871) that was distributed to Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (32nd degree) Scottish Rite initiates.

Albert Pike is regarded as bringing "order out of chaos" by rewriting the ancient rites of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, formerly devised by groups in France including the Council of the Emperors of the East and West and the Royal Stewart's Chapter of Clermont, based at the College of the Jesuits, Paris in 1761.[1][2][3Pike modernized these rituals for the modern American leader in Morals & Dogma and numerous other works. At this time Pike was head of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, based in Charleston, South Carolina, and following the Civil War and dropped charges of treason against Pike, the Supreme Council moved to Washington DC.[4][5]

Blavatsky's breakthrough book The Secret Doctrine (1888) was an attempt to popularize the concepts of Rosicrucian belief at a time of great change and turmoil. The radical decision to reveal the beliefs of the power elite came at a time when desperate measures seemed necessary.

The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion (commonly known by its English variant "Zion") are clearly some form of manifesto, and is signed by the "representatives of Sion of the 33rd degree," and that within the five Knights Templar priories the senior officials are referred to as "the Elders". Not surprisingly, the content of the Protocols have much similarity to Albert Pike's central work Morals and Dogma.

As the masses of Europe were rising up rebelliously against their feudal overlords, the Holy Roman Empire was in disarray.  The First Reich, founded in 800 by the 'Emperor of the West' Charlemagne, had been smashed by Napoleon following the French Revolution. With Napoleon's eventual defeat, the Holy Roman Empire reformed in a weakened and splintered state. Prussia/Germany took the former Cathar regions of Lorraine and Alsace back from revolutionary France, and established the Second Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm I. He was allied with the Austrian-Hungarian-Croatian Empire, which was still under the control of the House of Habsburg, who had been ruling for the previous 600 years. Power was still very much in the hands of the Princes of Europe and the Vatican, who found unity within their occult "Secret Church" that has historically always existed behind the "Visible Church".

Theosophy was born in 1875, a key time of political upheavals throughout Europe, as Russia was moving towards revolution, following the examples set by America and France. The Theosophy movement was an attempt to occultize the newly emerging industrial and merchant class straight from the Rosicrucian philosophy that previously had been for hand-picked initiates only. The aristocratic Knights and their families of the Holy Roman Empire were planning to reunify the old territories and needed the control and support of the managing classes. It is no coincidence that their plan to "seize absolute control of the Western World's social, political and economic institutions" as outlined in the Protocols of Sion appeared simultaneously with the creation of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy movement. As the Protocols stress "Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the manipulated. But no-one will ever bring under discussion our faith from its true point of view since this will be fully learned by none save ours who will never dare betray its secrets". 

At the turn of the 20th century this agenda was again outlined in the Protocols that described "a theocracy wherein nations will be no more than provinces, their leaders but proconsuls in the service of a world occult government consisting of an elite." This regime of the Great King will be a double hegemony of the Papacy and the Empire, of the Vatican and of the Habsburgs'.

Theosophy's teachings about enlightened mystics guiding human evolution towards the creation of a higher super-race, and pseudo-theories about the ancient Aryan civilization of Atlantis, promoted dangerous racial theories that formed the core of Austrian and German anti-Semitism.

From an aristocratic background, Helena Blavatsky, the widow of Russian Army General Count Blavatsky, designed elaborate genetic family trees that clearly illustrated the superiority of the Aryan people over the other races of the world.  These strange beliefs were heralded by middle class occultists throughout Germany and Austria-Hungary and merged with their extreme nationalist politics. Hence, complete reunification of the Holy Roman Empire, effectively abolished by Napoleon in 1806, became a priority not only of the ruling aristocracies, but also of the merchant middle classes.

The new middle-class occultists such as Guido von List and his Armanen Order, Baron von Sebottendorf and his Thule Societyand Lanz von Liebenfels and the Order of the New Templars referred to the First World War as a Holy War, revealing the quasi-religious and philosophical motives of their Hidden Masters. It has been documented that Nazi party leaders Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolph Hess and Hermann Goering were all members of these occult secret societies. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion are proof that a conspiracy of epic proportions was at play behind the broader political scene.

The end of the First World War resulted in Kaiser Wilhelm I being banished to Belgium and the removal of the Habsburgs from the throne of the Second Empire--the global "hegemony of Great King and Pope" was delayed. The Habsburg's reluctant abdication was upon the insistence of the Allied nations and their Treaty of St. Germaine. The relevant regions of Alsace and Lorraine were promptly returned to the Republic of France through the Treaty of Versailles, which not so much infuriated a young Hitler, as his aristocratic Hidden Masters behind the curtain.

In his popular book Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler conveniently used the Protocols of the Elders of Sion to deceptively "prove" that a global conspiracy was afoot - but led by the League of Jewish Rabbis. This stirred massive anti-Semitism that ultimately justified the Holocaust to the German people. Earlier in 1919, the newly formed Thule Society had distributed copies of the controversial Protocols to troops of the White Russian army loyal to the Czar, in an attempt to blame the Jews for the ensuing Revolution. This led to the massacre of 60,000 Jews over two years, and was perhaps the beginning of the Holocaust. The Rosicrucian Protocols document is still used throughout the world to stir hate with the same discredited anti-Semitic theories blaming the Russian Revolution on the Jewish people.

Although thought by many academics to be a creation of Russian Czar Nicholas II's secret police, to those aware of occult references the Protocols of Sion clearly show the hand of the Freemasons. It is likely the texts was altered to include traditional Jewish terminology that otherwise has no place in what is obviously a Rosicrucian agenda with Jesuit undertones.

The Yiddish word "Goyim" (meaning Gentile) has been inserted in as many places as possible, even in places grammatically inappropriate. Written in a tone of lofty superiority, echoed in the contemporary writings of Nicholas De Vere, the masses are referred to throughout as "the Mob", "bloodthirsty beasts", "alcoholized animals" and "cattle". Passages such as "From the premier-dictators of the day the peoples suffer greatly and bear such abuses, as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings... unification must be achieved only under our Sovereign rule", clearly reveal an embittered post-French Revolution power elite planning to restore the "King of the blood of Sion whom we are preparing for the World".

Also overlooked in the analysis of the Protocols is their similarity to the little heard of "Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus", which outline a goal of bringing in a golden age or millennium with the entire world under the authority of the Pope. Indeed, the Jesuits' Secret Instructions could be considered a prototype of the Protocols of Sion with its rhetoric of subterfuge such as: "We must inculcate this doctrine with Kings and Princes, that the Catholic faith cannot exist in the present state, without politics; but that in this, it is necessary to proceed with much certainty. Of this mode, we must share the affection of the great, and be admitted to the most secret councils." 

"We must be careful to change our politics, conforming to the times, and excite the Princes, friends of ours to mutually make terrible wars that everywhere the mediation of the Society will be implored; that we may be employed in the public reconciliation... the Society afterwards can count on the favor and authority of the Princes, procuring that those who do not love us shall fear us."

Discovered towards the end of the Holy Roman Empire's Thirty Year War the Jesuits' Secret Instructions clearly are an inspirational source for the Protocols of Sion, which would be written 200 years later following the formation of Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry. With passages such as "If the Pope should return as temporal prince of all the properties; for as much as it is very necessary to extend little by little, with much secrecy and skill, the temporalities of the Society; and not having any doubt that the world will enter the Golden Age" there can be no doubt that The Protocols of the Elders of Sion are the work of the Jesuits, the European Council of Princes, and their Rosicrucian allies within 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry. As outlined in the final Protocol "Confirming the roots of King David and the training of the King", the Templar bloodline conspirators insist that "sensuality worse than all else disorganizes the capacities of the mind and clearness of views" and should not be a quality of their King - thus denying any instinctive connection to his humanity in true Jesuit and Rosicrucian style. There is little in Judaism about the repressing of the senses in order to achieve any kind of kinghood.

Following the widespread distribution of the Protocols by the Thule Society and Hitler's protege Alfred Rosenberg, it was the added "Jewish" elements that were seized upon by Hitler's Mein Kampf and Henry Ford's The International Jew.  Conveniently both of these fervently anti-Semitic works chose to ignore the Rosicrucian references of the Protocols, and the fact that the "Return of the King" agenda is not traditionally Jewish or a historical goal of Jewish Zionism, but the secret goal of the elites. Perhaps the popularization of the altered Protocols was an attempt at damage control, and a pointing of the finger away from the true authors, as their actual neo-feudalistic agenda was becoming known by political and occult scholars. Or something even more nefarious: "It is hardly credible that the baddies would reveal their fell purposes so blatantly", commented Foucault's Pendulum author Umberto Eco on the current recycling of the Protocols within popular culture and the disturbing rise of "crude forms of racism of the neo-Celtic kind" -- and yet the use of the Protocols was the primary justification for the Holocaust and the attempted annihilation of the Jews, who are regarded as the historical "perfidious Enemy" of both Jesuit and Rosicrucian elites.

Hitler's Third Empire would go one step further than Theosophy, taking Rosicrucian and Occult theories directly to the working class people of Germany, and openly running the country according to their principles. Their use of Rosicrucian symbolism, the Swastika, the Nuremberg rallies & rituals, and inner occult orders within Himmler's "SS", who like the Knights of Malta and Templars insisted upon a long heritage of pure Aryan blood before initiation, clearly illustrates how linked National Socialism was with the secret agenda and beliefs of the power elite. It is clear the Nazi movement was a new approach to feudalism, by the same aristocratic ruling powers. Realizing that some sense of revolution must be fulfilled in the ordinary working classes, Nazism gave the impression of revolution, but was in fact the Restoration of the feudal overlords of the Holy Roman Empire, the beginning of the National Socialist.

Hitler's personal aide escaped his clutches and fled to Britain. In 1939 he wrote an eye witness account of the madness of the Third Reich: "What will the social order of the future be like?  Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn't that enough for you?  I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him" - Adolf Hitler quoted from "Hitler Speaks" by Hermann Rauschning.

Hitler could not have expressed the aims of the Protocols of the Elders of Sion more eloquently. Today the agenda of the power elite continues using its network of Occult and political structures - from the unaccountable Bilderberg Group to the Trilateral Commission to the transnational Knights of Malta and Freemason Templars - their influence and control continue to stay on top of the power pyramid, regardless of how much global suffering and misery is caused, and maintain the structures of a hidden feudalist system.  By his own admission, the new head of the European Council of Princes, HRH Prince Michael Stewart recently replaced HSH Prince Otto von Habsburg of Austria as chief representative of the Royal Houses of Europe.  These are the bloodline royal families.  

[1] Secret History of the Protocols

Further developments since the Russian Revolution

Then see these.

Palestine Cry: The infiltration of Rome with Antichristian Judaizers very partial reference

Palestine Cry: The Justice of God: Who controls the Military Industrial Complex Which Controls the Jews


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