In 1996 Admiral Jeremy Boorda, a loyal patriotic American four star Admiral and Chief of Naval Operations (this means he was the main intelligence officer for the
United States at the highest level) was murdered. He was a Jew who wouldn't compromise with the CIA's or the Mossad's crimes. He was murdered in the style of a Mafia contract murder with a single shot through the heart, propped up in a chair to warn others not to be a stool pigeon. It was the Jew Mob Mafia under command of the CIA with the Mossad, their long time close superiors and allies. Both the CIA and the Mossad work together in the
U.S. where it is always the CIA and the Mossad, especially the Mossad Sayanim and their supervisor moles in the CIA.
Via the Patriot Act and many other avenues, especially their complicit judge and attorney drug and sex mules, they have, outside of all lawful authority, taken over on all levels surreptitiously, just like Stalinist Russia and Hitlerian Nazi Germany.
They are not anything other than the terrorists that they have been accused by the whole world of being. They put up a pretense otherwise – but it is only a thin veneer. Pretending to help, they are in fact the terrorists. All honest law enforcement throughout the world opposes all of this.
Israeli subversion.
Israeli General Shares Counterterrorism Expertise with California Law Enforcement
Israeli General Shares Counterterrorism Expertise with California Law Enforcement Posted: March 26, 2004 Under the auspices of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Brigadier General Dov Lutzky of the Israel Police (IP) conducted a series of special briefings for federal, state and local law enforcement officials in California. Brigadier General Lutzky, commander of the Galilee Sub-District in Northern Israel, with nearly three decades of experience fighting terrorism, provided U.S. law enforcement personnel with the opportunity to draw upon Israel's expertise in combating and responding to terrorist attacks, with particular emphasis on suicide bombings. During the course of his visit to the United States, Brigadier General Lutzky met with representatives of nearly ninety law enforcement agencies and presented to more than 400 personnel. In San Diego, General Lutzky presented at the first of six counter-terrorism conferences that will take place during the next year. The series, entitled Counter-Terrorism: Critical Skills for Law Enforcement, is jointly sponsored by ADL's San Diego Regional Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the San Diego Police Department.  Visiting Israeli Brigadier General meets with the San Diego Police Department. From left: Lt. Jerry McManus, SDPD; Morris Casuto, ADL San Diego Regional Director; Asst. Chief Adolfo Gonzales, SDPD; Brig. Gen. Dov Lutzky, Israel Police; Sgt. Bob Christano, SDPD; Lt. Chris Ball, SDPD. The conferences are designed to provide information on global terrorism, domestic extremism, and a tactical approach to the issue counter-terrorism. In this first conference, held on March 16, the global presentation was given by a Special Agent of the FBI, the domestic analysis was provided by a member of the SDPD Criminal Intelligence Unit, and the tactical presentation was given by Brigadier General Lutzky. In attendance were over 50 law enforcement personnel, representing a broad range of federal, state, local and military agencies in the greater San Diego area. The next day, General Lutzky met with San Diego County Sheriff Bill Kolender, the Sheriff's command staff, San Diego District Attorney Bonnie M. Dumanis, and local chiefs of police or their representatives. General Lutzky also spoke at a meeting of the Joint Terrorism Task Force attended by representatives of the major police agencies in San Diego County. In his last presentation in San Diego, General Lutzky addressed a select audience of over 100 military personnel responsible for security at Naval Station San Diego and other naval bases in the area. Naval Station San Diego is the largest naval base in the continental United States. 
Brig. Gen. Lutzky meeting the San Diego County Sheriff. From Left: Assist Sheriff William Gore; Brig. Gen. Dov Lutzky; Sheriff William B. Kolender; Under-Sheriff Barry Zuniga. | Following his briefings in San Diego, General Lutzky traveled to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara where he presented at law enforcement training events organized by ADL's Pacific Southwest Regional Office. On March 18, Lutzky addressed more than 100 leading officials from over 25 law enforcement agencies throughout the region. Among the federal, state, and local agencies represented at the briefings were the Los Angeles Police and Sheriff's Departments, Beverly Hills Police Department, the Santa Barbara Police and Sheriff's Departments, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Finally, on March 22, General Lutzky conducted two briefings in San Francisco with local police departments and the San Francisco Joint Terrorism Task Force. 
Brig. Gen. Lutzky meeting with the San Francisco Division of the FBI. From left: Assistant Special Agent in Charge David Miller, FBI; Jonathan Bernstein, ADL Central Pacific Regional Director, Brigadier General Dov Lutsky, Israel Police; Special Agent in Charge Mark Mershon, FBI. |
Brigadier General Dov Lutzky, prior to his service as commander of the Galilee Sub-District, was commander of the Amakim Sub-District and the commander of the Israel Police Academy's Officers Course and its Vocational Training Unit.
In addition to his law enforcement service, General Lutzky has been the head of security for El Al Airlines and the Embassy of Israel in Canada and in Cyprus. General Lutzky served as a platoon commander in Israel's armored corps during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. For his actions during the fighting on the Golan Heights, Lutzky was awarded Israel's Medal of Valor - an award bestowed only 200 times in Israel's history.
Through its unique relationship with the Israel Police, ADL is able to sponsor visits to America by top Israeli police commanders. In January, 2004, Brigadier General Amichai Shai addressed law enforcement audiences in Colorado, Alabama, and Washington, D.C. That same month, ADL sponsored a mission to Israel for the Terrorism Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).
Please contact ADL to request training or to learn more about our programs for local, state, and federal law enforcement.
Israeli General Shares Expertise in Thwarting Terrorism
Israeli General Shares Expertise in Thwarting Terrorism
Posted: January 27, 2004
At the invitation of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Brigadier General Amichai Shai of the Israel National Police, an expert on suicide terrorism, has been conducting special trainings for hundreds of law enforcement agents throughout the United States during the past week.
Warning that terrorist suicide bombings could happen here, Shai is emphasizing to American police the importance of information-sharing and inter-agency cooperation.
Speaking of his experience in Israel, Shai said, "We know if we want to prevent a terrorist attack, we have to work very close, and we do it. Share the information and work together, and you can succeed in this kind of war."
General Shai is commander of the Sharon district, the area north of Tel Aviv that in recent years has been a frequent target for terrorists. He is responsible for all police operations in his sector, and must coordinate with military activity and provide accurate and timely intelligence on his sector to the Israeli security community.
On Friday, January 23, General Shai delivered a 3-hour briefing to nearly 500 federal, state, and local law enforcement agents from across the Southeast. Held on the campus of Auburn University Montgomery, the training was co-sponsored by ADL, the Alabama Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Attorney's Office. Officers from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Missouri were in attendance.
U.S. Attorney Leura Canary of Montgomery said law enforcement here can learn much from Israel about cooperation to combat terror.
"That's what they do in Israel," she said.
"General Shai made an outstanding presentation. It was really an "eye-opening" view of the threats that the Israeli people face on a daily basis," said James Moran, an Intelligence Operations Officer for the United States Penitentiary in Atlanta. "Each of us walked away with something we will remember for years to come."
Previously, General Shai traveled to Colorado to speak with the Denver-FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and more than 60 intelligence officers from various law enforcement agencies along the Front Range. While in Colorado, General Shai also met with personnel from U.S. Northern Command, the military organization responsible for homeland defense of the United States.
"Wherever we went, law enforcement responded to General Shai with an eagerness and urgency to learn about the Israeli police's experiences and best practices so that they could improve their intelligence in preventing terrorist attacks," said Evan Zuckerman, ADL Mountain States Associate Regional Director. "The level of professionalism on the part of our law enforcement agencies and sense of responsibility for our public safety reflected in these briefings with General Shai can not be overstated."
Please contact ADL for more information about our training opportunities for law enforcement professionals opportunities for law enforcement professionals.
U.S. Police Chiefs on ADL Mission to Israel
U.S. Police Chiefs on ADL Mission to Israel
Posted: January 20, 2004
Senior law enforcement personnel from across America recently traveled to Israel with ADL. They met with their Israeli counterparts and learned how to better predict, prevent and respond to terrorism.
The Terrorism Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), comprising sixteen police chiefs and FBI terrorism task force representatives, participated in the trip, which is sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. They were accompanied by ADL Director of Security Robert Martin and ADL Washington D.C. Regional Director David Friedman.
While in Israel, the group met with the Commander of the Special Forces division of the Israeli National Police, the Head of Research in Military Intelligence, and the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They also held talks with the Commanders of the Bomb Disposal division and Drug Squad, and discussed how to recruit the public in counter-terrorism efforts with the Commander of Community Policing.
ADL is the leading provider of anti-bias, extremism, hate crime and counter-terrorism training for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies across the United States.
For more information on ADL training opportunities for law enforcement professionals, contact ADL.

Visiting US police chiefs at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. From left: their guide, Chief Inspector Edith Ronen of the Israel Police; Hartford, VT, Police Chief Joseph Estey; Houston, Texas, Police Chief Dennis Storemski; and Lawrence, Kansas, Police Chief W. Ron Olin.
Press Release | Israel / Middle-East |
Coinciding with 9/11, U.S. Law Enforcement Officers Learn Counterterrorism Strategies From Israeli Counterparts New York, NY, September 10, 2008 … Coinciding with the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a group of U.S. law enforcement professionals is in Israel, where they are learning advanced counterterrorism strategies from their Israeli counterparts. A group of U.S. officials discussed a training exercise with members of an Israeli SWAT team in Holon, near Tel Aviv. The delegation of more than a dozen chiefs of police from major cities across the United States is visiting Israel as part of weeklong mission organized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The program brings the U.S. law enforcement officers into contact with Israeli law enforcement and security officers and terrorism experts to learn about Israel's strategies to prevent terror attacks. They see first hand how Israeli emergency officials and responders prepare for terrorist attacks in a nation that can never let down its guard. "There is a lot to learn from Israel's approach to countering terrorism, and we believe that it is a wonderful opportunity for police chiefs from the United States to understand how Israel stands up to the threat everyday," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "The lesson of 9/11 is that we can never let down our guard, and that police and others in the law enforcement community must have the tools of the trade and the knowledge of what strategies are available out there to help deter the threat of terrorism." On September 10, the U.S. police chiefs observed a training exercise involving an Israeli police counterterrorism SWAT Team in Holon, near Tel Aviv. They also have gained exposure to innovative techniques Israel has developed to maintain the safety of its citizens, including surveillance of malls and city streets and security procedures at airports and border crossings. The officers have been briefed by the bomb squad and security service; viewed border crossings along the Palestinian-Israeli border; toured the West Bank city of Hebron, a flashpoint of religious and ethnic conflict; and visited sites of past suicide bombings. ADL has trained thousands of law enforcement professionals about hate crimes, extremism and domestic and international terrorism at conferences and seminars throughout the U.S. Also, a number of top Israeli National Police commanders have traveled to the U.S. during the past years to share their expertise as part of ADL's training program. The following cities have representatives on the ADL's Nation Counter-Terrorism Seminar in Israel: Bethesda, MD; Durham, NC; Green Bay, WI; Lexington, KY; Madison, WI; Mesa, AZ; Miami, FL; Mobile, AL; Omaha, NE; Philadelphia, PA; Salt Lake City, UT; Scottsdale, AZ; Tucker, GA; and Virginia Beach, VA. The police chiefs are scheduled return to the U.S. on September 15.
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913 |
Homeland security unveils $835,000 RV
Homeland security unveils $835,000 RV |
Cordell Eddings – June 7, 2006 The Indiana Department of Homeland Security revealed its newest tool for protecting Hoosiers today: a brand new 53-foot mobile command center.
The expandable dark blue trailer boasts three rooms that can accommodate a crew of 21, each workstation with its own separate phone line, and individual laptops backed up by two separate servers. Several large flat screen televisions are among other amenities such as a coffee maker and microwave.
State officials said the advantage of the mobile command unit is its ability to facilitate communication between multiple emergency response agencies in the event of an emergency. The vehicle's 52-foot antenna aids communication and is fitted with a 360-degree pan-zoom camera.
“This vehicle, for all intents and purposes, is a mirror image on wheels of our State Emergency Operation Center from a capabilities perspective,” said homeland security Emergency Response Director Phil Roberts.
The command center’s $835,000 price tag was covered by federal homeland security grants allotted to the Indiana over the last two years. Although some counties have obtained their own vehicles, the state's command center is the most expensive in Indiana. Footnote So what are these mobile command centers really going to be used for? Well the first indication came nearly two years ago when the Voice of the White House spelt out a role for 'mobile command centers'.
And just as the "War on Terror" is a ruse to impose an authoritarian New World Order, these mobile command centers will not be used against any external threat. Instead they will be used to clamp down on internal dissent Stateside... Voice of the White House August 2, 2004 July 31, 2004: “More info about Ashcroft’s desire to put us all in camps for “reeducation as loyal Americans and true Christians.” I mentioned Ashcroft’s “ideas” about “neutralizing” evil influences in the United States. Here is more. Special U.S. Army units are trained for putting down any kind of civil insurrection. These units are small, very well-equipped and are considered to be the most elite units the Army now possesses. They have not seen any foreign combat duty: They are designed solely as domestic control units. I can give you some interesting specifics and there is a lot more where this comes from.
There are centers around the United States where these units are based. For instance, Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois is one such base. These units have an interesting form of rapid deployment command centers. These consist of what appear to be commercial tractor trailers with such things as the names of well-known moving van companies, or other major corporations such as Wal-Mart or Radio Shack on the sides. These units are not for transporting goods but are prefab command centers. The special units can move these via the highways in perfect safety from a base of operations to a “hot” area where “domestic terrorists” might be operating. These “domestic terrorists” might be peace groups, irate farmers, angry union workers and so on. The mobile command centers move into an area disguised, as I have said, like standard commercial vehicles. Then, when a defense perimeter has been established, the units are put together in squares, four to a side, and these are, in turn, linked together, forming a large, fully-equipped Army center, complete with all electronic gear needed to supervise the command of troops that will be airlifted into the secured area by helicopters. Targets in the “main areas of resistance” will have been identified previously and the incoming troops will be directed to these areas, preferably at night. I want to point out that there are sixteen such bases throughout the United States to include Hawaii but not Alaska. There are standing orders on file, and some have been leaked, as to how to deal with “civil disobedience” in general. Specific orders about individual targets are prepared on an as-needed basis. Full article: Last updated 11/06/2006 Homepage |
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Israeli General Shares Counterterrorism Expertise with California Law Enforcement
Israeli General Shares Expertise in Thwarting Terrorism
U.S. Police Chiefs on ADL Mission to Israel
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Coinciding with 9/11, U.S. Law Enforcement Officers Learn Counterterrorism Strategies From Israeli Counterparts
New York, NY, September 10, 2008 … Coinciding with the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a group of U.S. law enforcement professionals is in Israel, where they are learning advanced counterterrorism strategies from their Israeli counterparts.